Forenkling av de lovgivningsmessige rammer

Forenkling av de lovgivningsmessige rammer

Kommisjonens arbeidsdokument: Tredje framdriftsrapport om en strategi for å forenkle de lovgivningsmessige rammer

Arbeidsdokument lagt fram av Kommisjonen 28.1.2009


BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)

Suppressing unnecessary administrative burdens is more important than ever in difficult economic times, when EU businesses have fewer resources and need to invest to remain competitive [1].

In January 2007, the Commission adopted a more systematic approach by presenting an ambitious Action Programme aimed at reducing administrative burdens on businesses in the EU by 25% in 2012 [2]. The Action Programme was endorsed by the European Council in March 2007 [3], when it specifically agreed “that administrative burdens arising from EU legislation” (i.e. including national measures implementing or transposing this legislation) should be reduced by 25% and invited Member States to “set national targets of comparable ambition”. The European Parliament also expressed strong support to the Action Programme's objectives [4] and made budget available to support this activity.

The aim of the Action Programme is to measure costs imposed by information obligations put on businesses and suppress unnecessary requirements. This should improve the efficiency of legislation without undermining its purpose.

This Working Document accompanies the Third Strategic Review on Better Regulation [5]. It details progress achieved in 2008 and presents the outlook for 2009 and beyond.

1 Although legislation imposes different types of costs on businesses, small and medium sized enterprises consider administrative burdens “the most important individual business constraint” after lack of market demand. A large proportion of SMEs also “perceive an overall deterioration in terms of administrative regulations”. See results of the 2007 survey by the Observatory of European SMEs (there are 23 million SMEs in the EU, accounting for 99.7% of all enterprises)

2 COM(2007) 23.

3 Presidency conclusions of the Brussels European Council (7/8 March 2007), p. 10:

4 See, for example, European Parliament Resolution T6-0493/2008 on ‘Better lawmaking 2006’ pursuant to Article 9 of the Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality of 21 October 2008.