Fornyet agenda for europeisk voksenopplæring

Fornyet agenda for europeisk voksenopplæring

Rådsresolusjon av 28. november 2011 om en fornyet agenda for voksenopplæring

Resolusjon vedtatt av Rådet 28.11.2011


BAKGRUNN (fra Rådets pressemelding, engelsk utgave)

Agenda for adult learning
The Council adopted a resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning (16743/11), which aims to bring fresh impetus to this important area of education and sets out a long-term vision in this field up to 2020, establishing also a number of short-term priorities to be achieved by 2014, such as:

– Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality;
– Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;
– Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship through adult learning;
– Enhancing the creativity and innovation of adults and their learning environments;
– Improving the knowledge base on adult learning and monitoring this sector.

Adult learning still lacks the recognition and resources afforded to other areas of education but it is generally acknowledged that it has an important role to play in terms of employability and mobility, as well as in enhancing social inclusion and personal development, in particular since Europe is confronted with the triple challenge of an ageing working population, accelerating technological change and an increasingly competitive global economy.

In order to achieve the ambitious target that member states have set themselves of ensuring that 15% of the working age population participate in some form of adult learning by the year 2020, it is necessary to devote special attention to measures providing continued skills development and further education for the high number of low-skilled Europeans*. A first step would consist in improving literacy, numeracy and digital skills and enhancing second-chance measures.

*In 2010, the average rate of adult participation in lifelong learning stood at 9.1 % - down from 9.8 % in 2005.