Fremdriftsrapport for EUs 7. rammeprogram for forskning

Fremdriftsrapport for EUs 7. rammeprogram for forskning

Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Det europeiske økonomiske og sosiale utvalg og Regionskomiteen: Om fremskritt gjort under Det 7. europeiske rammeprogram for forskning

Meddelelse og arbeidsdokument lagt fram av Kommisjonen 29.4.2009


Red. anm.: KOM-dokumentet (se lenken over) inneholder både Kommisjonens meddelelse og arbeidsdokument.

BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelskutgave)

Scientific research drives the production and exploitation of knowledge, it generates ideas and solutions that foster economic growth, competitiveness and employment and it helps address long-term challenges, such as climate change and population ageing The overarching objective of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research [1] (FP7) is to help build the European Research Area, a European internal market for researchers, scientific knowledge and technology which increases scientific and technological excellence through more competition, more coordination of research activities, and more focus of programmes and policies on major societal challenges With its scientific and technological priorities focused on sustainable development, FP7 is central to the implementation of the Lisbon strategy, to support Europe's sustainable growth in a globalised economy and to transform it into a dynamic and low-carbon knowledge-based economy responding to society's needs. 

The long-term challenges we faced before the crisis have not disappeared, and the Lisbon strategy goals are more valid today than ever. It is time to boost, not cut, spending on research and innovation, both to face these challenges and to lay the basis for recovery. 

This report assesses progress in implementing FP7 and what remains to be done to fully reach its original objectives. It fulfils a legal obligation of the EC FP7 Decision [2] and provides a basis for the 2010 Interim Evaluation of the programme [3]. The accompanying Commission Staff Working Document provides more details on the topics covered. 

1 Two Seventh Framework Programmes under the EC and Euratom Treaties (together called “FP7”) started in 2007. For information on the FP7 objectives and structure as well as on its implementation up to now, see e.g. the Annual Reports 2007 and 2008 at: 

2 Art. 7(2) OJ L 412, 30.12.2006, p. 1. 

3 This Report benefits from the opinion by the European Research Advisory Board (ERAB) of February 19, 2009, reproduced in annex to the Staff Working Document.