Fremtidig politikk for det transeuropeiske transportnettverk
Kommisjonens arbeidsdokument: konsultasjon om fremtidig politikk for det transeuropeiske transportnettverk
Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 5.5.2010
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding, engelsk utgave)
Commission launches a public consultation on the future of the Trans-European Transport Network
The European Commission has adopted working document setting out a planning methodology for a trans-European core transport network. It is based on the 2009 Green Paper on the future of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) policy and incorporates the outcomes of the corresponding public consultation and the work of six expert groups. Stakeholders, EU institutions and consultative bodies are now invited to comment on the document.
The working document puts forward for consultation a possible methodology for a dual layer planning approach as well as ideas on more effective TEN-T implementation. The core network should cover major nodes (cities, ports and airports) and links, integrate all transport modes and enable sustainable, efficient, safe and secure transport services across the modes for passengers and freight flows. It should build on past decisions and achievements (such as in the areas of the 30 TEN-T priority projects, major European projects for intelligent transport systems or interoperability), strengthen the link between the Community's transport and infrastructure policies and be open for technical, technological and organisational innovation.
Stakeholders, EU institutions and consultative bodies are now able to present their views on the planning methodology. The 2010 TEN-T Days to be held in Zaragoza on 8 and 9 June 2010 will allow EU ministers, members of the European Parliament and stakeholders to discuss the methodology. New TEN-T guidelines are expected to be presented in spring 2011, which will include the trans-European network based on the methodological approach suggested today.
Commission launches a public consultation on the future of the Trans-European Transport Network
The European Commission has adopted working document setting out a planning methodology for a trans-European core transport network. It is based on the 2009 Green Paper on the future of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) policy and incorporates the outcomes of the corresponding public consultation and the work of six expert groups. Stakeholders, EU institutions and consultative bodies are now invited to comment on the document.
The working document puts forward for consultation a possible methodology for a dual layer planning approach as well as ideas on more effective TEN-T implementation. The core network should cover major nodes (cities, ports and airports) and links, integrate all transport modes and enable sustainable, efficient, safe and secure transport services across the modes for passengers and freight flows. It should build on past decisions and achievements (such as in the areas of the 30 TEN-T priority projects, major European projects for intelligent transport systems or interoperability), strengthen the link between the Community's transport and infrastructure policies and be open for technical, technological and organisational innovation.
Stakeholders, EU institutions and consultative bodies are now able to present their views on the planning methodology. The 2010 TEN-T Days to be held in Zaragoza on 8 and 9 June 2010 will allow EU ministers, members of the European Parliament and stakeholders to discuss the methodology. New TEN-T guidelines are expected to be presented in spring 2011, which will include the trans-European network based on the methodological approach suggested today.