Gjennomføring av en europeisk kulturagenda
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Den europeiske økonomiske og sosiale komite og Regionsutvalget om implementering av den europeiske kulturagenda
Meddelelse lagt fram av Kommisjonen 19.7 .2010
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)
Culture lies at the heart of the European project and is the anchor on which the European Union's "unity in diversity" is founded. The combination of respect for cultural diversity and the ability to unite around shared values has guaranteed the peace, prosperity and solidarity the EU enjoys. In today's globalising world, culture can make a unique contribution to a European Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, promoting stability, mutual understanding and cooperation worldwide.
The adoption of the European Agenda for Culture in 2007 opened a new chapter of cooperation on culture policy at European level. For the first time, all partners – European institutions, Member States and culture civil society – were invited to pool their efforts on explicitly defined shared goals, which were endorsed by the Council:
- promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue
- promotion of culture as a catalyst for creativity
- promotion of culture as a vital element in the EU's international relations
In order to support cooperation, the Agenda also introduced working methods new to the field of culture:
- an Open Method of Coordination (OMC) for closer Member State cooperation on the priorities identified in the Council Workplan for Culture 2008-2010,
- a more structured dialogue with civil society in the field of culture through various platforms for discussion and exchange.
Purpose of this report
This report examines progress at European and national levels towards the three objectives of the Agenda and assesses first experiences of the new working methods, drawing upon the national reports submitted by Member States and the work of the OMC groups and platforms. In the light of this analysis, the Commission has drawn the conclusions presented in sections 3.1.2 and 3.2.2.
Progress in making sure that culture aspects are properly taken into account in relevant EU policies ("mainstreaming") is highlighted above all in the Staff Working Paper which accompanies this report.
Culture lies at the heart of the European project and is the anchor on which the European Union's "unity in diversity" is founded. The combination of respect for cultural diversity and the ability to unite around shared values has guaranteed the peace, prosperity and solidarity the EU enjoys. In today's globalising world, culture can make a unique contribution to a European Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, promoting stability, mutual understanding and cooperation worldwide.
The adoption of the European Agenda for Culture in 2007 opened a new chapter of cooperation on culture policy at European level. For the first time, all partners – European institutions, Member States and culture civil society – were invited to pool their efforts on explicitly defined shared goals, which were endorsed by the Council:
- promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue
- promotion of culture as a catalyst for creativity
- promotion of culture as a vital element in the EU's international relations
In order to support cooperation, the Agenda also introduced working methods new to the field of culture:
- an Open Method of Coordination (OMC) for closer Member State cooperation on the priorities identified in the Council Workplan for Culture 2008-2010,
- a more structured dialogue with civil society in the field of culture through various platforms for discussion and exchange.
Purpose of this report
This report examines progress at European and national levels towards the three objectives of the Agenda and assesses first experiences of the new working methods, drawing upon the national reports submitted by Member States and the work of the OMC groups and platforms. In the light of this analysis, the Commission has drawn the conclusions presented in sections 3.1.2 and 3.2.2.
Progress in making sure that culture aspects are properly taken into account in relevant EU policies ("mainstreaming") is highlighted above all in the Staff Working Paper which accompanies this report.