God praksis ved behandling av statsstøttesaker

God praksis ved behandling av statsstøttesaker

Consultation on the Code of Best Practice on the conduct of State aid control proceedings

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 25.11.2016


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside, engelsk utgave)

Period of consultation
From 25.11.2016 to 25.02.2017

Objective of the consultation
The European Commission is consulting stakeholders on how to revise the Code of Best Practice on the conduct of State aid control proceedings. The Commission intends to carry out a review to reflect, on the one hand, the amendments brought to the State aid framework (in particular with regard to the Procedural Regulation No 1589/2015) and, on the other hand, to take account of the experience gained with the implementation of the Code. The objective is to ensure coherence and consistency in the application of the various instruments of the State Aid framework (including the Simplified Procedure Notice and its recent public consultation) and to draw conclusions on the implementation and effectiveness of the Code of Best Practice.