Helse og sikkerhet i EU og lærdommer fra fugleinfluensa-pandemien H1N1

Helse og sikkerhet i EU og lærdommer fra fugleinfluensa-pandemien H1N1

Commission staff working document on lessons learnt from the H1N1 pandemic and on health security in the European Union

Arbeidsdokument lagt fram av Kommisjonen 18.11.2010


BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsjonsens arbeidsdokument, engelsk utgave)

The purpose of this document is to report on progress made in recent months and to set out the ongoing and future work of the Commission services in relation to preparation for and management of serious cross-border health threats in the European Union.

The Pandemic H1N1 in 2009 was a reminder of the potential of pandemic influenza to cause widespread illness, death and societal disruption. Although it was less severe than expected, the evaluations carried out by the Commission, emphasized the need to reinforce cooperation between Member States within the EU in the management of the response to a pandemic. Based on these findings the Commission services are committed to addressing the lessons learnt and to improve preparedness and response throughout the European Union in particular by:

• analysing and proposing mechanisms on joint procurement of vaccines and antiviral medication and

• updating the guidance on influenza pandemic preparedness and response planning.

The area of communicable diseases such as pandemic influenza is, however, not the only field where Europe needs to improve preparedness and response. Reinforcing the collaboration at EU level is also required on other serious cross-border health threats whatever the origin of the threat.

As announced in the 2011 work programme the Commission services therefore consider starting a revision of the legislation on Communicable diseases and prepare an initiative on prevention and control of other serious cross border threats to health. This staff working paper is structured along these three elements which are also addressed in the Council conclusions of 13 September 2010 on "Lessons learned from the A/H1N1 pandemic – Health Security in the European Union".

All three elements are interlinked and are part of a reinforced EU approach to such healthrelated threats, based on the assessment of the H1N1 pandemic, drawing on the experience with the existing Communicable diseases legislation and the work of the Health Security Committee. They are based on the EU mandate to act in monitoring, early warning and combating serious cross-border threats to health as enshrined in Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.