Høring om EUs forbrukerregelverk
Public consultation on the targeted revision of EU consumer law directives
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 30.6.2017
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 30.6.2017)
European Commission launches publication consultation to update EU consumer law
Today, the European Commission launched a public consultation to gather opinions from consumers, businesses and associations on how to improve EU consumer law. End of May, the Commission published its analysis of consumer and marketing rules. It concluded that while European consumers already benefit from strong consumer rights, there is room for improvement for instance when it comes to enforcing these rights and making them fit for the digital age (see more details online). The consultation will provide valuable information to the Commission on the areas that could require changes. This includes the rights that apply for online marketplaces and "free" online services where consumers provide their personal data instead of paying, the way consumers can seek redress or remedies when harmed by unfair commercial practices. It also explores the introduction of penalties, in case of consumer law breaches, and how these penalties could be made more effective. All citizens and organisations are welcome to respond by 8 October to the public consultation.
European Commission launches publication consultation to update EU consumer law
Today, the European Commission launched a public consultation to gather opinions from consumers, businesses and associations on how to improve EU consumer law. End of May, the Commission published its analysis of consumer and marketing rules. It concluded that while European consumers already benefit from strong consumer rights, there is room for improvement for instance when it comes to enforcing these rights and making them fit for the digital age (see more details online). The consultation will provide valuable information to the Commission on the areas that could require changes. This includes the rights that apply for online marketplaces and "free" online services where consumers provide their personal data instead of paying, the way consumers can seek redress or remedies when harmed by unfair commercial practices. It also explores the introduction of penalties, in case of consumer law breaches, and how these penalties could be made more effective. All citizens and organisations are welcome to respond by 8 October to the public consultation.