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Public Consultation on a future European Union MEDIA Programme
Åpen høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 24.9
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsdokument, engelsk utgave)
Title: Consultation on a future EU MEDIA programme (support for the European audiovisual sector)
Policy field: Audiovisual
Target group(s): The consultation is open to individual citizens, public and private bodies, local/regional authorities, ministries and relevant stakeholders in the audiovisual sector both inside and outside the EU and in the European institutions and associations.
Period of consultation: from 24.09.2010 to 30.11.2010
Objective of the consultation: To gather input on the next round of the MEDIA programme after 2013, especially its objectives, activities and types of support.
This online consultation is just one part of the wider public consultation, responses to which will be taken into account in the Commission's proposal for a new MEDIA programme (to be adopted by the European Parliament and Council), following an assessment of possible social, economic and environmental impacts.
Title: Consultation on a future EU MEDIA programme (support for the European audiovisual sector)
Policy field: Audiovisual
Target group(s): The consultation is open to individual citizens, public and private bodies, local/regional authorities, ministries and relevant stakeholders in the audiovisual sector both inside and outside the EU and in the European institutions and associations.
Period of consultation: from 24.09.2010 to 30.11.2010
Objective of the consultation: To gather input on the next round of the MEDIA programme after 2013, especially its objectives, activities and types of support.
This online consultation is just one part of the wider public consultation, responses to which will be taken into account in the Commission's proposal for a new MEDIA programme (to be adopted by the European Parliament and Council), following an assessment of possible social, economic and environmental impacts.