Horisont 2020: EU-høring om delprogrammet 'Vitenskap med og for samfunnet'

Horisont 2020: EU-høring om delprogrammet 'Vitenskap med og for samfunnet'

Consultation on Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society Work Programme 2016-2017

Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 11.07.2014


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens konsultasjonsnettside, engelsk utgave)

Objective of the consultation
The objective of the Part V of Horizon 2020 'Science with and for Society' is: "to build effective cooperation between science and society, to recruit new talent for science, and to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility".
To that end, it indicates that the focus will be on the following 8 specific activities:

a) make scientific and technological careers attractive to young students, and foster sustainable interaction between schools, research institutions, industry and civil society organisations;

b) promote gender equality, in particular by supporting structural changes in research institutions and in the content and design of research activities;

c) integrate society in science and innovation issues, policies and activities by incorporating the needs and values of citizens, thereby increasing the quality, relevance, social acceptability and sustainability of research and innovation outcomes in various fields of activity, from social innovation to areas such as biotechnology and nanotechnology, etc.

d) encourage citizens, including children and youth, to engage in science through formal and informal science education, and promote the diffusion of science-based activities, namely in science centres and through other appropriate channels;

e) develop the accessibility and the (re-)use of the results of publicly-funded research;

f) develop the governance for the advancement of responsible research and innovation by all stakeholders (researchers, public authorities, industry and civil society organisations), which is sensitive to the needs and demands of society, and promote an ethics framework for research and innovation;

g) take due and proportional precautions in research and innovation activities by anticipating and assessing potential environmental, health and safety impacts;

h) improve knowledge on science communication in order to enhance the quality and effectiveness of interactions between scientists, general media and the public.

The aim of this consultation is to obtain views and contributions from a broad constituency on the potential priorities for the 'Science with and For Society' work programme part covering the period 2016-2017. These contributions will complement the opinion provided by an External Advisory Group of high level experts set up by the Commission according to article 12 of Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 establishing Horizon 2020. The present consultation is structured around a set of questions, which take into account the policy thrust and general framework set by Europe 2020, Innovation Union and the European Research Area, and builds upon the Science with and for Society part of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015.