Hovedkorridorer for det europeiske transportnettverk
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen: Bygging av hovednettverket for transport: nøkkelkorriderer og 'European Connecting Facility'
Communication from the Commission: Building the Transport Core Network: Core Network Corridors and Connecting Europe Facility
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)
With the revision of the TEN-T guidelines, the EU has for the first time defined a Core Network of transport infrastructure which comprises all transport modes and which has been identified through an objective methodology. The new guidelines also set the deadline of
2030 for the delivery of this Core Network. This process has also given the input to establish the investment priorities and the potential projects to be financed.
An ambitious TEN-T policy needs an ambitious budget to accelerate its implementation. The negotiations on the MFF 2014 – 2020 have yielded a budget for the TEN-T in the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) of EUR 26.250 billion, including EUR 11.305 billion ring-fenced for the Member States eligible to the Cohesion Fund ("the cohesion envelope")– a threefold increase compared to 2007 -2013.
In parallel with the delegated act on the CEF transport priorities, this Communication aims at:
– providing information on the potential budget and instruments available under the future framework;
– guiding potential applicants with regard to direct management of funds and providing information on the expectations of the Commission's from potential beneficiaries;
– explaining how the Commission intends to support the creation and the functioning of the Core Network Corridors.
The adoption of the delegated act is a necessary step before the beginning of the implementation of the programme and to make funds available to the projects.
With the revision of the TEN-T guidelines, the EU has for the first time defined a Core Network of transport infrastructure which comprises all transport modes and which has been identified through an objective methodology. The new guidelines also set the deadline of
2030 for the delivery of this Core Network. This process has also given the input to establish the investment priorities and the potential projects to be financed.
An ambitious TEN-T policy needs an ambitious budget to accelerate its implementation. The negotiations on the MFF 2014 – 2020 have yielded a budget for the TEN-T in the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) of EUR 26.250 billion, including EUR 11.305 billion ring-fenced for the Member States eligible to the Cohesion Fund ("the cohesion envelope")– a threefold increase compared to 2007 -2013.
In parallel with the delegated act on the CEF transport priorities, this Communication aims at:
– providing information on the potential budget and instruments available under the future framework;
– guiding potential applicants with regard to direct management of funds and providing information on the expectations of the Commission's from potential beneficiaries;
– explaining how the Commission intends to support the creation and the functioning of the Core Network Corridors.
The adoption of the delegated act is a necessary step before the beginning of the implementation of the programme and to make funds available to the projects.