Interaktive nettsider publisert av EFTA-sekretariatet 31.1.2019
EFTA-sekretariatet lanserte 31. januar interaktive nettsider på fire språk som forklarer regelverkprosessen fra EU-forslag til innlemmelse i EØS-avtalen og gjennomføring i nasjonal rett. En engelskspråklig video er også tilgjengelig. Utdypende tekster forklarer hvordan de tre EØS/EFTA-landene hver for seg behandler regelverket på ulike stadier i prosessen.
BAKGRUNN (fra EFTA-sekretariatets pressemelding 31.1.2019)
Launch of web tool on how EU law becomes EEA law
On 31 January, the EFTA Secretariat launched the interactive web tool on how EU law becomes EEA law, which provides a visual presentation of the legislative process behind the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA).
The web tool takes the user through the “EEA process” from the initiative of the European Commission to develop new legislation, to the incorporation of the new legal act into the EEA Agreement. The related national procedures in each of the EEA EFTA States are further explained. The tool is available in English, German, Icelandic and Norwegian. The aim of the tool is to provide knowledge about how the EEA Agreement works in an accessible way. The target group consists of officials, politicians, students and anyone interested in how the EEA Agreement functions, whether on the EFTA or the EU side.
The web tool is created by the EFTA Secretariat. It is the result of the work and cooperation of a number of contributors from both the EEA EFTA States – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway - and the European External Action Service. The tool was designed by Eau de Web, a software company in Bucharest.
As part of the project, the EFTA Secretariat also created a short animated video about the EEA process.
The launch of the web tool marks the start of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the EEA Agreement. Throughout 2019, the EFTA Secretariat will mark the occasion with special events and media. Please follow the anniversary year #EEA25years on Twitter and on this website.
Web tool: