Iversettelse av Lisboa-strategien 2008-2010
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Det europeiske økonomiske og sosiale utvalg og Regionskomiteen: Rapport om implementeringen av Felleskapets Lisboa-program 2008-2010
Meddelelse lagt fram av Kommisjonen 16.12.2008
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)
As part of the renewed Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs, the Commission adopted in December 2007 a Proposal for a Community Lisbon Programme 2008-2010, setting out ten key objectives and corresponding policy actions for Community-level actions for the next three years. In March 2008, the European Council taking into account the priorities identified by the Council invited the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to take forward work on the 10 objectives identified in CLP within their spheres of competence. The objectives and priority actions identified in the CLP are based on the four priority areas, recently confirmed in the European Economic Recovery Plan that the Commission proposed on 26th of November. Thus the CLP continues to provide appropriate policy responses in the light of the current financial and economic crisis.
This Communication assesses the implementation of the Community Lisbon Programme 2008-2010 in the first year of the new cycle and identifies the pending priority actions that should now be addressed with highest priority in order to complement the actions identified in the ERP and by the Member States in their updated national reform programmes.
Overall, substantial progress has been made in the first year of the Community Lisbon Programme and a number of key milestones have already been achieved. Amongst the most important are:
– The adoption by the EP and Council of the Goods Package to boost the internal market and increase consumer protection.
– The Commission adoption of the Small Business Act that sets the right policy priorities for easing life and increasing the dynamism of SMEs
– The Commission adoption of the Renewed Social Agenda that addresses the need to enhance employment opportunities and ensuring solidarity.
– The Commission adoption of the Climate Change and Renewable Energy Package and the Sustainable Consumption, Production and Industry Action Plan.
– The Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation between the Financial Supervisory Authorities, Central Banks and Finance Ministries of the EU on Cross-Border Financial Stability that will contribute to unwinding the financial crisis.
– The Commission has also driven forward its better regulation agenda to cut unnecessary costs and remove obstacles to innovation.
– The adoption by the EP and Council of the Modernised Customs Code and the e-Customs Decision to create a paperless environment for customs and trade
– Substantially greater amounts of Community funding have been made available for growth and jobs through Cohesion Policy.
This has laid the foundations for a shift in focus to the implementation crucial to achieve a substantial and positive Community-wide impact. This document provides a detailed assessment of the achievements and priority pending actions under each objective.
As part of the renewed Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs, the Commission adopted in December 2007 a Proposal for a Community Lisbon Programme 2008-2010, setting out ten key objectives and corresponding policy actions for Community-level actions for the next three years. In March 2008, the European Council taking into account the priorities identified by the Council invited the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to take forward work on the 10 objectives identified in CLP within their spheres of competence. The objectives and priority actions identified in the CLP are based on the four priority areas, recently confirmed in the European Economic Recovery Plan that the Commission proposed on 26th of November. Thus the CLP continues to provide appropriate policy responses in the light of the current financial and economic crisis.
This Communication assesses the implementation of the Community Lisbon Programme 2008-2010 in the first year of the new cycle and identifies the pending priority actions that should now be addressed with highest priority in order to complement the actions identified in the ERP and by the Member States in their updated national reform programmes.
Overall, substantial progress has been made in the first year of the Community Lisbon Programme and a number of key milestones have already been achieved. Amongst the most important are:
– The adoption by the EP and Council of the Goods Package to boost the internal market and increase consumer protection.
– The Commission adoption of the Small Business Act that sets the right policy priorities for easing life and increasing the dynamism of SMEs
– The Commission adoption of the Renewed Social Agenda that addresses the need to enhance employment opportunities and ensuring solidarity.
– The Commission adoption of the Climate Change and Renewable Energy Package and the Sustainable Consumption, Production and Industry Action Plan.
– The Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation between the Financial Supervisory Authorities, Central Banks and Finance Ministries of the EU on Cross-Border Financial Stability that will contribute to unwinding the financial crisis.
– The Commission has also driven forward its better regulation agenda to cut unnecessary costs and remove obstacles to innovation.
– The adoption by the EP and Council of the Modernised Customs Code and the e-Customs Decision to create a paperless environment for customs and trade
– Substantially greater amounts of Community funding have been made available for growth and jobs through Cohesion Policy.
This has laid the foundations for a shift in focus to the implementation crucial to achieve a substantial and positive Community-wide impact. This document provides a detailed assessment of the achievements and priority pending actions under each objective.