Juridisk sikkerhet for verdipapirporteføljer og -disposisjoner (høringsdokument)

Juridisk sikkerhet for verdipapirporteføljer og -disposisjoner (høringsdokument)

Legislation on legal certainity of securities holdings and dispositions: Consultation document of the Services of the Directorate-General Internal Market and Services

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 16.4.2009


BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonens høringsdokument, engelsk utgave)

The present document constitutes a questionnaire designed by the services of the Directorate General Internal Market and Services1. Its aim is to obtain information from Member States, market participants and other stakeholders, particularly investors, on the necessity to improve the EU-wide legal framework for securities holding and disposition and on how future EU legislation in this field could address the issue. Any future legislation in this field will complement and will be without prejudice to the existing EU legal framework concerning, for instance, markets and trading in financial instruments (cf. Directive 2004/39/EC – MiFID – and its implementation measures).