Kommisjonens politiske strategi for 2010
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Det europeiske økonomiske og sosiale utvalg og Regionskomiteen: Årlig politisk strategi for 2010
Meddelelse lagt fram av Kommisjonen 18.2.2009
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, dansk utgave)
This Annual Policy Strategy paves the way for establishing a policy agenda for 2010 and launches the interinstitutional dialogue on the priorities for next year. While it is the responsibility of the current Commission to ensure the continuity of the institution’s strategic planning and programming system, it must also take account of the fact that a new Commission will be in office in 2010. It will be for the next Commission to review the policy priorities in the light of its strategic objectives, and to turn them into an operational programme when it draws up its Work Programme for 2010.
Depending on the completion of national ratification processes, 2010 may see the Treaty of Lisbon bring about major changes to the EU's institutional framework. Entry into force of the Treaty would require the Commission to submit a number of proposals to give full force to its provisions.
Europe is currently facing an economic crisis that is affecting citizens and businesses in every part of the continent. The impact of the crisis is likely to be significant both in 2009 and in
2010. The EU must therefore continue to act rapidly, decisively and in a coordinated manner, and play its full part in shaping international solutions. The European Economic Recovery Plan provides a solid basis for building the conditions for recovery – its implementation during the rest of 2009 and into 2010 will be a matter of high priority. To make sure that the EU comes out of the crisis stronger and better able to take advantage of the upturn we need to continue with the structural reforms under the Lisbon Growth and Jobs Strategy, in a spirit of partnership between the European institutions and Member States.
The presentation of the Budget Review in 2009 will launch an important debate between the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council on the future of EU finances. During
2010, the Commission will seek to build a consensus on the main strands of the next multiannual financial framework, so as to prepare the ground for legislative proposals. Part of this preparation during 2010 will include the mid-term review of the current EU spending programmes. Protection of the Communities’ financial interests will continue to be a high priority for the Commission, as an integral part of sound and rigorous financial management of EU policies.
Communicating EU issues will be crucial in a year marked by several institutional changes. The Commission, the Council and the European Parliament will establish interinstitutional communication priorities in line with the Political Declaration on Communicating Europe in Partnership. Issues of direct interest to citizens, such as economic recovery, the environment, climate and energy will be covered, together with improved governance in Europe for internal and external security that the new Treaty would entail.
This Annual Policy Strategy paves the way for establishing a policy agenda for 2010 and launches the interinstitutional dialogue on the priorities for next year. While it is the responsibility of the current Commission to ensure the continuity of the institution’s strategic planning and programming system, it must also take account of the fact that a new Commission will be in office in 2010. It will be for the next Commission to review the policy priorities in the light of its strategic objectives, and to turn them into an operational programme when it draws up its Work Programme for 2010.
Depending on the completion of national ratification processes, 2010 may see the Treaty of Lisbon bring about major changes to the EU's institutional framework. Entry into force of the Treaty would require the Commission to submit a number of proposals to give full force to its provisions.
Europe is currently facing an economic crisis that is affecting citizens and businesses in every part of the continent. The impact of the crisis is likely to be significant both in 2009 and in
2010. The EU must therefore continue to act rapidly, decisively and in a coordinated manner, and play its full part in shaping international solutions. The European Economic Recovery Plan provides a solid basis for building the conditions for recovery – its implementation during the rest of 2009 and into 2010 will be a matter of high priority. To make sure that the EU comes out of the crisis stronger and better able to take advantage of the upturn we need to continue with the structural reforms under the Lisbon Growth and Jobs Strategy, in a spirit of partnership between the European institutions and Member States.
The presentation of the Budget Review in 2009 will launch an important debate between the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council on the future of EU finances. During
2010, the Commission will seek to build a consensus on the main strands of the next multiannual financial framework, so as to prepare the ground for legislative proposals. Part of this preparation during 2010 will include the mid-term review of the current EU spending programmes. Protection of the Communities’ financial interests will continue to be a high priority for the Commission, as an integral part of sound and rigorous financial management of EU policies.
Communicating EU issues will be crucial in a year marked by several institutional changes. The Commission, the Council and the European Parliament will establish interinstitutional communication priorities in line with the Political Declaration on Communicating Europe in Partnership. Issues of direct interest to citizens, such as economic recovery, the environment, climate and energy will be covered, together with improved governance in Europe for internal and external security that the new Treaty would entail.