Konsultasjon om regional statsstøtte

Konsultasjon om regional statsstøtte

Europakommisjonens åpne konsultasjon om EU-regelverket om regional statsstøtte

Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Kommisjonen 24.1.2012


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 24.1.2012, engelsk utgave)

Commission consults on the regional State aid rules
The European Commission has launched a public consultation as the first step of a revision of the European Union rules on regional state aid rules. These rules lay down the provisions on the basis of which state aid granted to promote the economic development of certain disadvantaged areas within the European Union can be considered compatible with the internal market. This consultation offers stakeholders the opportunity to provide input to the Commission at an early stage of policy making. Member States and other interested parties are invited to express their views on the EU rules currently applicable to regional state aid and to suggest possible amendments to these rules. The Commission will carefully analyse the outcome of this consultation before deciding to what extent changes to the current rules are necessary and will, if appropriate, come forward with a proposal for revised rules.

Comments can be submitted until 26 April 2012.