Krav til miljøvennlig utforming av maskinverktøy og sveiseutstyr: EU-høring

Krav til miljøvennlig utforming av maskinverktøy og sveiseutstyr: EU-høring

Public consultation on potential measures for regulating the environmental impact of machine tools and welding equipment

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 16.4.2018


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

Consultation period
16 April 2018 - 10 July 2018

Consultation outcome
We welcome contributions through the online questionnaire (EUSurvey).

Received contributions will be published on the Internet. 

Target group
The general public and all stakeholders, in particular

• Citizens

• Industry

• Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

• Environmental and consumer NGOs (non-governmental organisations)

• Researchers and scholars

• Standardisation organisations

Stakeholders who already contributed by responding to the ecodesign consultation forum meetings on 'DG GROW Lot5 products', which took place on 6 May 2014 and 25 October 2017, can be reassured that their original contribution is still valid. They are welcome to contribute further if they wish to do so.

Objective of the consultation
This public consultation is on potential measures to regulate the environmental impact of machine tools and welding equipment.

The aim is to gather further views and opinions from EU countries, other public authorities, industry groups and NGOs, and other interested organisations.

This public consultation will ultimately inform the evaluation and impact assessment prepared by the Commission in the preparation of regulations specific to these product groups.