Måletall for utdanning for sysselsetting og mobilitet

Måletall for utdanning for sysselsetting og mobilitet

Kommisjonens arbeidsdokument om utvikling av benkemål for utdanning og opplæring for sysselsetting og læringsmobilitet

Arbeidsdokument lagt fram av Kommisjonen 24.5.2011


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 25.5.2011, engelsk utgave)

Commission presents plans for new education benchmarks on employability and mobility
The European Commission has unveiled plans for new European targets on the employability and the mobility of students to stimulate and guide education reforms in Europe. The two new benchmarks, which still need to be formally adopted by the Council, would complete a set of joint targets which EU countries have pledged to achieve by 2020. They include reducing early school leaving, increasing the share of higher education graduates, and getting more adults to participate in lifelong learning. A new benchmark on the mobility of students would measure the share of young people with learning experiences abroad. A new benchmark on education and training for employability would monitor the success rate of young people with different education levels in the labour market in the years after graduation. For more information: Commission staff paper