Miljørapport for europeisk luftfart 2016

Miljørapport for europeisk luftfart 2016

European Aviation Environmental Report 2016

Rapport lagt fram av Kommisjonen 29.1.2016


European aviation: First environmental report points at sustainability challenge
Today the European Commission published the first European Aviation Environmental Report, the result of a close collaboration across various EU bodies. The report includes key performance indicators on noise, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, in order to provide an overview of the environmental performance of the sector. Among the findings, forecast scenarios for the next 20 years show that with the expected increase in traffic the environmental sustainability of the sector will be increasingly challenged. EU Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said "Aviation brings significant economic and social benefits to Europe, but also has an impact on the environment. The Aviation Strategy we adopted in December recognises that the future competitiveness of air transport goes hand in hand with its sustainability. Today's report will be instrumental to frame future policy. It is also a valuable contribution to the ongoing international discussions on measures to reduce emissions from aviation. In 2016, the EU will reach out to its partners to take global and ambitious steps."

Kilde: Kommisjonens pressemelding 26.1.2016