Modernisering av universitetene: EU-forum for dialog mellom næringslivet og universitetene

Modernisering av universitetene: EU-forum for dialog mellom næringslivet og universitetene

Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Det europeiske økonomiske og sosiale utvalg og Regionskomiteen. Et nytt partnerskap for modernisering av universitetene: "The EU Forum for University Business Dialogue"

Meddelelse lagt fram av Kommisjonen 2.4.2009


BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)

Universities [1], with their triple roles as providers of the highest levels of education, advanced research and path-breaking innovation, are at the heart of Europe's knowledge triangle. They have the potential to be crucial drivers of Europe's ambition to be the world's leading knowledge-based economy and society. This has been recognised in EU-level policy making since the Hampton Court Summit of October 2005; at the same time, the need for change if they are to meet their potential is clear. Nine areas for action were mapped out in the Commission Communication "Delivering on the Modernisation Agenda for Universities: Education, Research and Innovation" of May 2006 [2]. Since then the modernisation agenda has been the subject of extensive policy exchange, with progress being regularly reviewed by the Council of Ministers [3]. The Commission has further proposed to make the modernisation of universities one of the priority themes in the new framework for policy cooperation on education and training within the Lisbon strategy. [4]

A key element within the agenda set out in 2006 was that universities should develop structured partnerships with the world of enterprise in order to "become significant players in the economy, able to respond better and faster to the demands of the market and to develop partnerships which harness scientific and technological knowledge". The Communication suggested that enterprises could help universities to reshape curricula, governance structures and contribute to funding.

On this basis, the Commission launched the University-Business Forum as a European platform for dialogue between the two worlds. The first Forum meeting in February 2008 was followed during 2008 by three thematic workshops [5]. A second plenary Forum in February 2009 gathered together around 400 participants and, in addition to workshops on different themes, involved stocktaking of lessons learned and a discussion of possible future directions for the Forum’s work.

The very high attendance at the February 2009 event shows the importance which stakeholders attach to the Forum. Participants referred frequently to the context of economic downturn in which the event took place and argued that there was renewed urgency to building better business-university links as a means to strengthen Europe's knowledge triangle. This Communication seeks to respond to this sense of urgency.

1 In this document the term “universities” is taken to mean all higher education institutions, irrespective of their name and status in the Member States
2 COM(2006) 208 final
3 For a synthesis of issues and actions undertaken see COM(2008) 680 of 30 October 2008 Report from the Commission to the Council on the Council Resolution of 23 November 2007 on Modernising Universities for Europe's competitiveness in a global knowledge economy.
4 COM(2008) 865 of 16 December2008: An updated strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training
5 Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (Brussels, 30 June 2008); Curriculum Development and Entrepreneurship (Tenerife, 30-31 October 2008); Knowledge Transfer (Brussels, 7 November 2008)