Nye prioriteringer for europeisk samarbeid innen utdanning og opplæring 2015
2015 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020): New priorities for European cooperation in education and training
Fellesrapport vedtatt av Rådet og Kommisjonen 24.11.2015
BAKGRUNN (fra Rådets pressemelding 24.11.2015)
ET 2020 (1) is the key European-level framework that helps member states to modernise their education and training systems, thus contributing to the overall political priorities set under the Europe 2020 strategy. ET 2020 established four general long-term objectives which European cooperation in education and training should seek to achieve by the end of this decade (2)
The current report takes stock not only of progress during the most recent work cycle (2012-2014) in the process, it also reviews the ET 2020 framework as a whole at its half-way stage and puts forward proposals for adjustment. These are essentially aimed at providing greater focus, improved governance and better dissemination of the results of European cooperation.
For the remaining five years up to 2020, ET 2020 will have 6 new priority areas (instead of 13), aiming to ensure that education and training systems promote employability, skills and innovation, increase social mobility and equality, help to prevent radicalisation and lay the foundations for democratic values and active citizenship.
Finally, the Commission recommended better use the Union's financial instruments , such as Erasmus +, the Structural Funds and the Investment Plan for Europe.
(1) OJ C 119, 28.5.2009
(2) Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality, improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship, enhancing creativity and innovation, including intrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
ET 2020 (1) is the key European-level framework that helps member states to modernise their education and training systems, thus contributing to the overall political priorities set under the Europe 2020 strategy. ET 2020 established four general long-term objectives which European cooperation in education and training should seek to achieve by the end of this decade (2)
The current report takes stock not only of progress during the most recent work cycle (2012-2014) in the process, it also reviews the ET 2020 framework as a whole at its half-way stage and puts forward proposals for adjustment. These are essentially aimed at providing greater focus, improved governance and better dissemination of the results of European cooperation.
For the remaining five years up to 2020, ET 2020 will have 6 new priority areas (instead of 13), aiming to ensure that education and training systems promote employability, skills and innovation, increase social mobility and equality, help to prevent radicalisation and lay the foundations for democratic values and active citizenship.
Finally, the Commission recommended better use the Union's financial instruments , such as Erasmus +, the Structural Funds and the Investment Plan for Europe.
(1) OJ C 119, 28.5.2009
(2) Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality, improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship, enhancing creativity and innovation, including intrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.