Offentlige innkjøp i EU: gjennomføringsrapport 2011

Offentlige innkjøp i EU: gjennomføringsrapport 2011

Commission Staff Working Document. Annual Public Procurement Implementation Review 2012

Rapport lagt fram av Kommisjonen 11.10.2012


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding, engelsk utgave)

Monitoring the application of EU public procurement rules across the EU - Annual Public Procurement Implementation Review
The European Commission has today published the first edition of the Annual Public Procurement Implementation Review, assessing the implementation of the rules on public procurement in the EU. Purchases by public authorities and utility companies, when they are of a cross-border nature, fall within the scope of EU law and account for nearly 20% of EU GDP. The correct implementation and efficient application of the rules by Member States remains a constant challenge. Collecting, analysing and reporting on the data regarding the application of procurement rules by Member States is essential to better understanding problems and addressing concerns. This new Review should help achieve this. In future the Commission also intends to use the Review as a knowledge-sharing tool, the findings of which will feed into and drive new policy initiatives.