Prioriteringer for det indre marked etter 2019
EEA EFTA Comment on priorities for the Single Market beyond 2019
Omtale publisert i Stortingets EU/EØS-nytt 23.9.2019
BAKGRUNN (fra EFTA-sekretariatets pressemelding 18.9.2019)
On 18 September 2019, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway submitted a joint EEA EFTA Comment on priorities for the Single Market beyond 2019. In their substantive Comment, which coincides with the 25 year anniversary of the EEA, the EEA EFTA States commit to prioritising this long-term partnership, including EU programme participation, for the benefit of its citizens and businesses.
The EEA EFTA States highlight that one of the main priorities during the next legislative cycle is further development of the Single Market through new initiatives, better regulation, better implementation and enforcement of existing rules, and by protecting consumers. The three countries emphasise the need for a holistic approach to policy making, where competitiveness, sustainability and the social dimension of the Single Market go hand in hand. Throughout the Comment, the EEA EFTA States commit to ensure the highest environmental standards and highlight the importance of sustainable solutions. They also underline their support for initiatives to make Europe’s energy markets more efficient in a sustainable manner.
The Comment notes that digitalisation is cross cutting all policy areas, which needs to be reflected in the structure of a future Single Market strategy. Moreover, the countries point towards the need to identify and remove the remaining barriers to the provision of cross-border digital services in the Single Market. Digitalisation and new technologies are key to achieving greener, safer and more user-friendly transport services in the future. Policies regarding the Single Market for services must be developed in the light of the market for services and goods becoming more and more interlinked and global.
Furthermore, the EAA EFTA States place a strong emphasis on preventing and combating unfair competition and irresponsible working conditions, social dumping and work-related crime.
In the Comment, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein call upon the new Commission to assist Members States in implementing the recently adopted Goods Package, and they encourage the EU to embrace high environmental standards as the Single Market is further developed. They also note that raising awareness about the benefits of the Single Market should be a priority at both European and national level.
Read the full text of the EEA EFTA Comment here.
On 18 September 2019, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway submitted a joint EEA EFTA Comment on priorities for the Single Market beyond 2019. In their substantive Comment, which coincides with the 25 year anniversary of the EEA, the EEA EFTA States commit to prioritising this long-term partnership, including EU programme participation, for the benefit of its citizens and businesses.
The EEA EFTA States highlight that one of the main priorities during the next legislative cycle is further development of the Single Market through new initiatives, better regulation, better implementation and enforcement of existing rules, and by protecting consumers. The three countries emphasise the need for a holistic approach to policy making, where competitiveness, sustainability and the social dimension of the Single Market go hand in hand. Throughout the Comment, the EEA EFTA States commit to ensure the highest environmental standards and highlight the importance of sustainable solutions. They also underline their support for initiatives to make Europe’s energy markets more efficient in a sustainable manner.
The Comment notes that digitalisation is cross cutting all policy areas, which needs to be reflected in the structure of a future Single Market strategy. Moreover, the countries point towards the need to identify and remove the remaining barriers to the provision of cross-border digital services in the Single Market. Digitalisation and new technologies are key to achieving greener, safer and more user-friendly transport services in the future. Policies regarding the Single Market for services must be developed in the light of the market for services and goods becoming more and more interlinked and global.
Furthermore, the EAA EFTA States place a strong emphasis on preventing and combating unfair competition and irresponsible working conditions, social dumping and work-related crime.
In the Comment, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein call upon the new Commission to assist Members States in implementing the recently adopted Goods Package, and they encourage the EU to embrace high environmental standards as the Single Market is further developed. They also note that raising awareness about the benefits of the Single Market should be a priority at both European and national level.
Read the full text of the EEA EFTA Comment here.