Schengen-rapport om stjålne biler i 2007
Implementering av artikkel 102A av Konvensjonen som implementerer Schengen-avtalen for året 2007
Rapport vedtatt av Rådet 18.5.2009
BAKGRUNN (fra rådsrapporten, engelsk utgave)
The Council approved a report on implementation (during the year 2007) of article 102A of the convention implementing the Schengen agreement (16900/08). The report will be forwarded to the European Parliament.
Article 102A of the convention gives member states responsible for issuing registration certificates for vehicles the right to access data entered into the Schengen information system for the purpose of checking whether vehicles presented to them for registration have been stolen, misappropriated or lost. It also requires the Council to submit each year a report to the European Parliament on its implementation.
The report includes information and statistics on the use made of the provisions of Article 102A and the results obtained in their implementation, and states how data protection rules have been applied. Data on vehicle registration certificates and vehicle number plates which have been stolen, misappropriated, lost or invalidated has been entered into the Schengen information system since 31 March 2006.