Schengen-samarbeidet: statusrapport 2024

Schengen-samarbeidet: statusrapport 2024

Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Den europeiske økonomiske og sosiale komite og Regionsutvalget. Schengen-statusrapport 2024

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. State of Schengen Report 2024

Omtale publisert i Stortinget EU/EØS-nytt 26.4.2024



BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens meddelelse 16.4.2024)

In 2023, the Schengen area without controls at internal borders (the “Schengen area”) continued to show resilience in the face of a changing geopolitical landscape, although it remains exposed to interconnected challenges. The 2024 State of Schengen report takes stock of the important developments that have taken place over the last year providing a comprehensive overview of the state of the Schengen area. It reflects the major initiatives within the current Commission’s mandate to strengthen the Schengen framework. 

Building on Schengen evaluation and monitoring activities carried out in 2023, the report also identifies priority areas requiring political and operational impetus and highlights areas where improved application of the Schengen rules is needed. Almost 40 years after the signature of the Schengen Agreement, a high level of cooperation across borders remains as relevant as ever, to allow the Schengen area to continue contributing to the EU’s economic competitiveness and make life easier and more secure for citizens and businesses. 

This Report , initiating the 2024-2025 Schengen cycle, serves as the basis for political decision-making and follow-up at both European and national levels. To facilitate the implementation of the priority actions for the Schengen area, alongside this Report the Commission has put forward a proposal for a Council Recommendation for the Schengen area and invites the Council to adopt it during the upcoming Schengen Council meeting in June 2024. 

In particular, the agreements reached on the legislative framework, the historic steps taken to complete the Schengen area and the consolidation of Schengen governance are the building blocks to move away from a constant state of crisis towards preparedness, resilience, and collective responses, marking a turning point in our joint efforts to manage Schengen.