Statistisk årbok for europeisk forskning, teknologi og innovasjon 2009

Statistisk årbok for europeisk forskning, teknologi og innovasjon 2009

Eurostat: Science, technology and innovation in Europe - 2009 edition

Rapport lagt fram av Eurostat 8.9.2009


BAKGRUNN (fra Eurostats pressemelding, engelsk utgave)

Science, Technology and Innovation in Europe

• R&D expenditure in the EU27 stable at 1.85% of GDP in 2007
• Researchers account for almost 1% of total employment

In 2007, the EU27 spent 229 billion euro on Research & Development 1 (R&D). R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP equalled 1.85% in 2007, stable compared with 2006. Germany (62 bn euro), France (39 bn) and the United Kingdom (37 bn) accounted together for 60% of total R&D expenditure in the EU27 in 2007.

Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, publishes the 2009 edition of Science, Technology and Innovation in Europe. This publication covers a wide range of indicators in line with the strategic goals set out by the European Council in the Lisbon strategy. These indicators include among others R&D expenditure and personnel, patents, innovation and other indicators related to high-tech and knowledge intensive sectors of the economy. A selection of the data available in the publication is presented below.

Highest R&D intensity in the Nordic Member States, Austria and Germany
In 2007, R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP (R&D intensity) was highest in Sweden (3.60% of GDP) and Finland (3.47%), followed by Austria (2.56%), Denmark (2.55%) and Germany (2.54%), and lowest in Cyprus (0.45%), Slovakia (0.46%), Bulgaria (0.48%) and Romania (0.53%). The highest increases in R&D intensity between 2001 and 2007 were found in Austria (from 2.07% of GDP to 2.56%), Estonia (from 0.71% to 1.14%) and Portugal (from 0.80% to 1.18%).

The equivalents of 2.3 million persons working full-time were involved in R&D 3 in the EU27 in 2007. R&D personnel accounted for 1.6% of total employment in 2007. The highest proportions of R&D personnel in 2007 were found in Finland (3.2% of total employment), Sweden (2.7% in 2005), Luxembourg (2.6% in 2005), Denmark (2.4% in 2006) and Austria (2.1% in 2006), and the lowest in Romania (0.5%), Bulgaria (0.6% in 2006), Cyprus (0.7% in 2006), Poland (0.8%) and Portugal (0.9% in 2005).

Researchers 3 accounted for 0.9% of total EU27 employment in 2007. This share varied from 0.3% in Romania (in 2005) to 2.1% in Finland.

Almost 40% of EU27 enterprises involved in innovation activities
Between 2004 and 2006, 39% of enterprises 4 from industry and services with at least 10 employees in the EU27 were involved in some form of innovation activity 4 . The highest proportion of enterprises involved in innovation activities in this period was recorded in Germany (63% of enterprises), followed by Belgium (52%), Austria and Finland (both 51%) and Luxembourg (49%). The lowest rates were observed in Latvia (16%), Bulgaria and Hungary (both 20%), Romania (21%) and Lithuania (22%).