Status for utbygging og utrulling av 5G i Europa, USA og Asia
5G Deployment - State of Play in Europe, USA and Asia
Rapport lagt fram av Europaparlamentets utredningsavdeling 3.4.2019
BAKGRUNN (fra Europaparlamentets rapport)
This in-depth analysis was prepared by [European Parliament's] Policy Department A at the request of the ITRE Committee*. It compares 5G deployment in the EU with other leading economies – the USA, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. On a range of indicators, the EU compares well. However, this is not a short-term race. 5G is more complex than previous wireless technologies and should be considered as a long-term project to solve technical challenges and develop a clear business case.
*ITRE: The European Parliament's Committee for Industry, Reseach and Energy
This in-depth analysis was prepared by [European Parliament's] Policy Department A at the request of the ITRE Committee*. It compares 5G deployment in the EU with other leading economies – the USA, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. On a range of indicators, the EU compares well. However, this is not a short-term race. 5G is more complex than previous wireless technologies and should be considered as a long-term project to solve technical challenges and develop a clear business case.
*ITRE: The European Parliament's Committee for Industry, Reseach and Energy