Strategi for europeisk samarbeid om utdanning fram til 2020

Strategi for europeisk samarbeid om utdanning fram til 2020

Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Det europeiske økonomiske og sosial utvalg og Regionskomiteen: Et oppdatert strategisk rammeverk for europeisk samarbeid innen utdanning og yrkesopplæring

Fellesrapport vedtatt av Rådet og Kommisjonen 10.2.2012


BAKGRUNN (fra Rådets pressemelding 10.2.2012, engelsk utgave)

The Council adopted the 2012 joint report on the implementation of the ”Strategic framework for European cooperation in the field of education and training ("ET 2020"), (5600/12). The report assesses actions and developments during the first cycle of implementing "ET 2020" (2009-2011) and establishes priorities for European policy cooperation during the next cycle (2012-14), which are aimed to a large extent at mobilising education and training in support of the Europe 2020 strategy.

The joint report presents a mixed picture of progress, with some positive indications but still much needed to be done to improve Europe's skills base, further reduce rates of early schoolleaving and improve the employability of those leaving the education and training system. The report stresses the importance of investing effectively in education and training reforms to support sustainable growth and generate jobs and underlines the need for a real follow-through by Member States on EU level policy guidance.

Commissioner Vassiliou emphasised that education and training were part of the solution to recovery from the current financial crisis in Europe and called on the Member States to step up their efforts to achieve the EU headline targets on early school leaving and higher education attainment, as well as to reach the aims of the "ET2020" framework in general. She also recalled the valuable information on education and training systems available through the EURYDICE network and it's recent on-line tool Eurypedia.

Two Member States (NL and SE) indicated that they would have preferred a shorter list of priorities for the next cycle, which would make their implementation more efficient and give sharper focus to the whole "ET2020" process.