Strategi for forskning på fremtidige og voksende IKT-teknologier
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Det europeiske økonomiske og sosiale utvalg og Regionskomiteen: Flytting av IKT-grensene - en strategi for forskning på fremtidige og voksende teknologier
Meddelelse av 20.4.2009 lagt fram av Kommisjonen
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)
In line with the objectives of the Commission’s European Economic Recovery Plan [1], this Communication proposes bolstering Europe’s competitiveness and the innovation ecosystem in the long term by means of greater investment in higher risk research in the strategically important area of information and communication technologies (ICT).
It emphasises the success and strategic importance of research on Future and Emerging Technologies (FET [2]) in laying the foundations for future ICT and sowing the seeds for innovation [3]. A longer-term strategy and specific actions to be implemented under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) are outlined to enable Europe to take the lead in FET research by strengthening its European and global dimension. They complement and reinforce the action outlined in the Commission Communication on the strategy for ICT R&D and Innovation in Europe [4], in particular on raising investment in research, prioritising efforts and reducing fragmentation. The findings of the 2006 Aho Report on R&D and Innovation [5] regarding the role of leading-edge science in attracting world-class industry and the need for centres of excellence to build up a critical mass of activity in strategic areas are also addressed.
The Commission is issuing this Communication at a time when the world economy is in turmoil. Especially when prevailing paradigms show their limitations, investment in new foundations is needed to put Europe in a strong position in innovation in future.
1 COM(2008) 800: A European Economic Recovery Plan.
2 Refers to FET in ICT.
3 As specified in the ISTAG Report on FET, November 2008.
4 COM(2009)116: A Strategy for ICT R&D and Innovation in Europe: Raising the Game.
5 See:
In line with the objectives of the Commission’s European Economic Recovery Plan [1], this Communication proposes bolstering Europe’s competitiveness and the innovation ecosystem in the long term by means of greater investment in higher risk research in the strategically important area of information and communication technologies (ICT).
It emphasises the success and strategic importance of research on Future and Emerging Technologies (FET [2]) in laying the foundations for future ICT and sowing the seeds for innovation [3]. A longer-term strategy and specific actions to be implemented under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) are outlined to enable Europe to take the lead in FET research by strengthening its European and global dimension. They complement and reinforce the action outlined in the Commission Communication on the strategy for ICT R&D and Innovation in Europe [4], in particular on raising investment in research, prioritising efforts and reducing fragmentation. The findings of the 2006 Aho Report on R&D and Innovation [5] regarding the role of leading-edge science in attracting world-class industry and the need for centres of excellence to build up a critical mass of activity in strategic areas are also addressed.
The Commission is issuing this Communication at a time when the world economy is in turmoil. Especially when prevailing paradigms show their limitations, investment in new foundations is needed to put Europe in a strong position in innovation in future.
1 COM(2008) 800: A European Economic Recovery Plan.
2 Refers to FET in ICT.
3 As specified in the ISTAG Report on FET, November 2008.
4 COM(2009)116: A Strategy for ICT R&D and Innovation in Europe: Raising the Game.
5 See: