Styrket beredskap, sikkerhet og robusthet mot storstilte cyberangrep
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Det europeiske økonomiske og sosiale utvalg og Regionskomiteen om beskyttelse av kritisk informasjonsinfrastruktur: "Beskyttelse av Europa fra storstilte cyberangrep og -sammenbrudd: styrket beredskap, sikkerhet og robusthet
Meddelelse lagt fram av Kommisjonen 30.3.2009
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly intertwined in our daily activities. Some of these ICT systems, services, networks and infrastructures (in short, ICT infrastructures) form a vital part of European economy and society, either providing essential goods and services or constituting the underpinning platform of other critical infrastructures. They are typically regarded as critical information infrastructures (CIIs) [1] as their disruption or destruction would have a serious impact on vital societal functions. Recent examples include the large-scale cyber-attacks targeting Estonia in 2007 and the breaks of transcontinental cables in 2008.
The World Economic Forum estimated in 2008 that there is a 10 to 20% probability of a major CII breakdown in the next 10 years, with a potential global economic cost of approximately 250 billion US$. [2]
This Communication focuses on prevention, preparedness and awareness and defines a plan of immediate actions to strengthen the security and resilience of CIIs. This focus is consistent with the debate launched at the request of the Council and the European Parliament to addresses the challenges and priorities for network and information security (NIS) policy and the most appropriate instruments needed at EU level to tackle them. The proposed actions are also complementary to those to prevent, fight and prosecute criminal and terrorist activities targeting CIIs and synergetic with current and prospective EU research efforts in the field of network and information security, as well as with international initiatives in this area.
1 A definition of CIIs was proposed in COM(2005) 576 final
2 Global Risks 2008
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are increasingly intertwined in our daily activities. Some of these ICT systems, services, networks and infrastructures (in short, ICT infrastructures) form a vital part of European economy and society, either providing essential goods and services or constituting the underpinning platform of other critical infrastructures. They are typically regarded as critical information infrastructures (CIIs) [1] as their disruption or destruction would have a serious impact on vital societal functions. Recent examples include the large-scale cyber-attacks targeting Estonia in 2007 and the breaks of transcontinental cables in 2008.
The World Economic Forum estimated in 2008 that there is a 10 to 20% probability of a major CII breakdown in the next 10 years, with a potential global economic cost of approximately 250 billion US$. [2]
This Communication focuses on prevention, preparedness and awareness and defines a plan of immediate actions to strengthen the security and resilience of CIIs. This focus is consistent with the debate launched at the request of the Council and the European Parliament to addresses the challenges and priorities for network and information security (NIS) policy and the most appropriate instruments needed at EU level to tackle them. The proposed actions are also complementary to those to prevent, fight and prosecute criminal and terrorist activities targeting CIIs and synergetic with current and prospective EU research efforts in the field of network and information security, as well as with international initiatives in this area.
1 A definition of CIIs was proposed in COM(2005) 576 final
2 Global Risks 2008