Styrking av Europas energinettverk
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Den europeiske økonomiske og sosiale komite og Regionsutvalget. Meddelelse om styrking av Europas energinettverk
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Communication on strengthening Europe's energy networks
Dansk departementsnotat offentliggjort 9.1.2018
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsmeddelelsen, engelsk utgave)
The European Commission's “Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy” has created a new momentum to achieve energy security, sustainability and competitiveness.
On a global scale, Europe remains the frontrunner in terms of our ambitious contribution to the Paris agreement and when it comes to the implementation of the energy transition on the ground as described in the Third Report on the State of the Energy Union. An interconnected European grid will help deliver the ultimate goals of the Energy Union to ensure affordable, secure and sustainable energy to all Europeans.
An electricity system to which renewables will contribute around half of the generation in 2030 and that will be fully decarbonised by 2050 will be the cornerstone of this energy transition. This implies very significant challenges in terms of adapting our regulation, our infrastructure and triggering the necessary investment.
As highlighted in several European Councils and by Heads of States and Governments, most recently by President Macron during the COP23, well interconnected and integrated trans-European grids are indispensable for making the energy transition a success. The Commission has addressed this need in its Communication on "Achieving the 10% electricity interconnection target".
The Clean Energy for All Europeans package, adopted at the end of last year, is the most advanced legal framework for clean energy transition and for enabling clean energy investments to create jobs and economic growth. Europe's network infrastructure should develop in the same direction and with the same speed to fully support this energy transition. This is all the more important since a rising share of renewable electricity will require more cross-border exchange to keep the grid stable. In this context, stronger regional cooperation between Member States can lead to a more optimised deployment of renewables and network infrastructure.
Interconnected electricity and gas grids are also vital for energy security of supply. Well integrated networks are not only the best guarantee to compensate for a possible failure of the largest infrastructure in any Member State, but they also bring more supply options and hence more competitive prices into the national markets. At the same time, Europe has to put the consumer in the centre of the energy system through i.a; reinforcing and smartening the distribution networks.
Moreover, EU networks must be modernised to enable the energy transformation and to support and benefit from the rapid digitalisation of the economy. Innovation and intelligence in the networks at all levels is essential in the take up of demand side management and other smart grid services. Such technologies empower consumers and help boost the competitiveness of EU industry.
It is estimated that up to 2030 about 180 bn euro in investments are needed to upgrade and expand European energy networks. These investments would lead to 40-70 bn euro annual savings in terms of avoided generation costs and more competitive gas wholesale prices, helping to keep the costs of the energy transition at check and thus strengthening the Union's competitiveness.
This Communication takes stock of the progress achieved in integrating and modernising the European energy networks at transmission level through our TEN-E policy and outlines the way forward in ensuring that infrastructure can play its full part in achieving our energy and climate policy objectives for 2030, and beyond. It also assesses progress towards achieving the 10% interconnection target and looks ahead towards the target for 2030 agreed by the European Council.
The European Commission's “Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy” has created a new momentum to achieve energy security, sustainability and competitiveness.
On a global scale, Europe remains the frontrunner in terms of our ambitious contribution to the Paris agreement and when it comes to the implementation of the energy transition on the ground as described in the Third Report on the State of the Energy Union. An interconnected European grid will help deliver the ultimate goals of the Energy Union to ensure affordable, secure and sustainable energy to all Europeans.
An electricity system to which renewables will contribute around half of the generation in 2030 and that will be fully decarbonised by 2050 will be the cornerstone of this energy transition. This implies very significant challenges in terms of adapting our regulation, our infrastructure and triggering the necessary investment.
As highlighted in several European Councils and by Heads of States and Governments, most recently by President Macron during the COP23, well interconnected and integrated trans-European grids are indispensable for making the energy transition a success. The Commission has addressed this need in its Communication on "Achieving the 10% electricity interconnection target".
The Clean Energy for All Europeans package, adopted at the end of last year, is the most advanced legal framework for clean energy transition and for enabling clean energy investments to create jobs and economic growth. Europe's network infrastructure should develop in the same direction and with the same speed to fully support this energy transition. This is all the more important since a rising share of renewable electricity will require more cross-border exchange to keep the grid stable. In this context, stronger regional cooperation between Member States can lead to a more optimised deployment of renewables and network infrastructure.
Interconnected electricity and gas grids are also vital for energy security of supply. Well integrated networks are not only the best guarantee to compensate for a possible failure of the largest infrastructure in any Member State, but they also bring more supply options and hence more competitive prices into the national markets. At the same time, Europe has to put the consumer in the centre of the energy system through i.a; reinforcing and smartening the distribution networks.
Moreover, EU networks must be modernised to enable the energy transformation and to support and benefit from the rapid digitalisation of the economy. Innovation and intelligence in the networks at all levels is essential in the take up of demand side management and other smart grid services. Such technologies empower consumers and help boost the competitiveness of EU industry.
It is estimated that up to 2030 about 180 bn euro in investments are needed to upgrade and expand European energy networks. These investments would lead to 40-70 bn euro annual savings in terms of avoided generation costs and more competitive gas wholesale prices, helping to keep the costs of the energy transition at check and thus strengthening the Union's competitiveness.
This Communication takes stock of the progress achieved in integrating and modernising the European energy networks at transmission level through our TEN-E policy and outlines the way forward in ensuring that infrastructure can play its full part in achieving our energy and climate policy objectives for 2030, and beyond. It also assesses progress towards achieving the 10% interconnection target and looks ahead towards the target for 2030 agreed by the European Council.