Videreutviklingen av Schengen-informasjonssystemet (SIS II)

Videreutviklingen av Schengen-informasjonssystemet (SIS II)

Rådskonklusjoner om den fremtidige utviklingen av SIS II

Rådskonklusjoner vedtatt 4.6.2009


BAKGRUNN (fra det tsjekkiske EU-formannskapets pressemelding 4.6.2009, engelsk utgave)

Martin Pecina: Today we have decided future directions for SIS
On 4 June 2009, the Justice and Home Affairs Council met in Luxembourg for the last time under the Czech Presidency. The meeting was chaired by Czech Interior Minister Martin Pecina.

“I am pleased to announce that today we have reached agreement on a number of very challenging issues. We have taken decisions about the future of the SIS and adopted conclusions on the exchange of information concerning the reception of persons released from the Guantánamo Bay detention centre. We also discussed illegal immigration in the Mediterranean, the first asylum package and the European Asylum Support Office”, said Minister Pecina.

Schengen Information System II (SIS II):
“Bringing the Schengen Information System II out of its crisis was one of the principal priorities of the Czech Presidency. Today’s meeting showed that we have met this objective and decided about the future directions of the project. We have managed to accomplish the plan that we presented in mid-January and were implementing over the past four months”, said the Interior Minister. At their Thursday meeting the Ministers gave the green light to the continuation of the SIS II project, on condition that a number of changes are made to reflect the lessons that we have so far learned from the development of the project. The solution also includes a contingency plan which boosts the chances for the completion of the SIS II project. There will be two milestones marking stages at which the project has to prove that it meets the criteria required. If the project does not pass these tests, there are mechanisms that will make it possible for the current SIS II to be terminated and for the SIS II project to be developed further on the basis of an alternative technical scenario that consists in an overhaul and subsequent development of the current SIS I.
