(Utkast) Delegert kommisjonsforordning (EU) .../... om fastsettelse av regler for anvendelse av europaparlaments- og rådsforordning (EU) 2023/1804 med hensyn til spesifikasjoner og prosedyrer relatert til tilgjengeligheten og tilgangen til data om infrastrukturen for alternative drivstoff
AFI-forordningen om infrastruktur for alternative drivstoff (2023): tekniske spesifikasjoner
Utkast til kommisjonsforordning godkjent av komite (representanter for medlemslandene) og publisert i EUs komitologiregister 21.2.2025
- Utkast til forordning lagt fram av Kommisjonen 2.12.2024 med tilbakemeldingsfrist 30.12.2024
(fra kommisjonsforordningen)
(1) Article 20(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 establishes that by 14 April 2025, operators of publicly accessible recharging points and refuelling points for alternative fuels, or, in accordance with the arrangements between them, the owners of those points, are to ensure the availability of static data and dynamic data concerning alternative fuels infrastructure operated by them, or services inherently linked to such infrastructure that they provide or outsource, at no cost. Member States are to ensure the accessibility of this data on an open and non-discriminatory manner to all data users through their national access points (NAPs) as referred to in Article 20(4) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804.
(2) The data referred to in Article 20(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 is essential for end users of recharging and refuelling points to make informed decisions regarding the use of such infrastructure. End users may obtain information on alternative fuels infrastructure via information services developed by relevant market actors, namely data users, who rely on access to high-quality data. To ensure that operators or owners of recharging or refuelling points make available such data in an accurate and reliable manner, the conditions for access to, and the characteristics of, such data should be harmonised in terms of the format, frequency and quality in which it is to be made available.
(3) The specifications referred to in Article 20(7), point (a), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 are of key importance for the special purpose of facilitating the provision of compatible, interoperable and real-time alternative fuels infrastructure data to data users. They should help ensure that the data made accessible to data users is coherent, reliable and of high quality, thereby effectively supporting the development of timely and targeted information services for end users. Therefore, it is necessary to lay down relevant specifications on the data format, frequency and quality in which the data types referred to in Article 20(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 are to be made available. In order to ensure uniform application of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804, the specifications should contain a description of the data types to be made available.
(4) As regards specifications for the format of the data types, operators of publicly accessible recharging points and refuelling points for alternative fuels, or, in accordance with the arrangements between them, the owners of those points should make the data referred to in Article 20(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 available according to the relevant data model for alternative fuels data as described in DATEX II format, including at least the technical specification CEN/TS 16157-10:2022 ‘Intelligent transport systems - DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information - Part 10: Energy infrastructure publications’. Pursuant to Article 20(8) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804, it is necessary to provide a reasonable transition period to implement such complex technical specifications. Those specifications should thus apply from 14 April 2026, which is one year after the date when the requirements set out in Article 20(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 take effect.
(5) For the purpose of a comprehensive presentation and interpretation of the specifications introduced by this Regulation, it is necessary to provide a comprehensive group of the data types listed in Article 20(2) of Regulation 2023/1804. Broad categories across alternative fuels infrastructure should be set out to cover the different information needs, such as general information, geographic location, accessibility, payment options, operational status, availability or ad hoc price. Specific categories linked to certain alternative fuels infrastructure should be set out based on automatic authentication, smart recharging functionalities, renewable electricity, hydrogen delivery or renewable hydrogen. Each category should include its corresponding data types, accompanied by their relevant descriptions in order to provide unequivocal interpretation by data users. The level of application should also be further specified by indicating whether the data type applies either to recharging or refuelling points or to recharging or refuelling stations. To facilitate the future discoverability and use of the data, the metadata on alternative fuels infrastructure data should be based on the harmonised specifications introduced by this Regulation.
(6) To ensure that the data reflects the most current situation of alternative fuels infrastructure, it is necessary to set out the frequency under which the data is to be updated by operators or, in accordance with the arrangements between them, the owners of recharging and refuelling infrastructure. Both static and dynamic data should be updated when a change occurs. Static data should be updated no later than twenty-four hours after a change occurred, and dynamic data should be updated no later than one minute after a change occurred.
(7) Relevant requirements should be set out to ensure high quality of the data. Data quality management is the first and crucial step to build accurate and reliable information services. Therefore, operators or owners of recharging and refuelling points should ensure the completeness, correctness, consistency, timeliness and reliability of the data before making it available. To achieve that purpose, they should also establish relevant data quality control mechanisms to ensure that the data at source complies with those data quality requirements.
(8) It is also necessary to ensure efficient cooperation between Member States and relevant stakeholders to guarantee the quality of the data relating to alternative fuels infrastructure that is made available, building on the work of the Programme Support Action on National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe. Harmonised data quality and reliability requirements are fundamental to ensure that Member States have a good understanding of the data made accessible through their NAPs to data users, who will rely on its quality to develop reliable information services.
(9) In application of Article 20(4) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804, Member States are to ensure that the data referred to in Article 20(2) of that Regulation is made accessible through their NAPs, in compliance with the additional complementary specifications set out in this Regulation. To that end, and to ensure the quality and, in particular the reliability of the data, it is appropriate to lay down procedures referred to in Article 20(7), point (b), of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 that Member States should comply with when making data accessible through their NAPs. For this purpose, Member States should be required to regularly monitor the data, including information on the Application Program Interfaces (APIs), made accessible through their NAPs by operators of publicly accessible recharging points and refuelling points for alternative fuels, or, in accordance with the arrangements between them, the owners of those points. Moreover, in order to facilitate exchange of information and contact by operators or owners of publicly accessible recharging points and refuelling points, or the owners of those points, with the NAPs, Member States should establish appropriate measures. Member States should also take measures to address widespread and persistent data quality issues encountered in their NAPs, particularly issues affecting the overall automated and uniform data exchange via APIs through their NAPs.
(10) With a view to the implementation of Article 20(5) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804, the specifications on the format, frequency and quality should also contribute to the technical set up of the common European access point that the Commission is to establish by 31 December 2026. The specifications should facilitate the future operation of the common European access point so that data users can easily access data and compare information on the characteristics of the alternative fuels infrastructure, such as price, accessibility, availability or power capacity.
(11) The specifications on the format, frequency and quality are built on the outcomes of the Connecting Europe Facility Programme Support Action on Data collection related to recharging/refuelling points for alternative fuels and the unique identification codes related to e-mobility actors that was concluded in 2022.
(12) Pursuant to Article 20(8) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804, this Regulation is to provide for a reasonable transitional period. Therefore, the application of this Regulation should be deferred to 14 April 2025, which is the date when the requirements set out in Article 20(2) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804 take effect.
(13) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the committee referred to in Article 23(1) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1804,