Avl og avstamning ved handel med dyr av hestefamilien
Rådsdirektiv 90/427/EØF av 26. juni 1990 om vilkår med hensyn til avl og avstamning ved handel med dyr av hestefamilien innenfor Fellesskapet
Council Directive 90/427/EEC of 26 June 1990 on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae
Grunngitt uttalelse om mangelfull norsk gjennomføring sendt til Norge av EFTAs overvåkingsorgan 09.04.2014. Saken ble lukket 11.03.2015.
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens faktaark, engelsk utgave)
Zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae
The European Union is harmonising the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae, in order to facilitate the movement of such animals within the Community.
This Directive sets out the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae and their semen, ova and embryos.
Intra-Community trade in equidae may not be prohibited or restricted on zootechnical or genealogical grounds.
The Directive lays down genealogical rules for registered equidae. In particular, the Commission is to determine criteria for the identification of equidae, for the approval of organisations keeping studbooks and for the entry of equidae in studbooks. In intra-Community trade, equidae registered in the country of dispatch must be entered in the studbook of the country of destination under the same name.
Each Member State will be responsible for updating a list of organisations which maintain or establish studbooks and for communicating this list to other Member States and to the public.
The Directive also lays down zootechnical rules. For example, the Commission is to determine the general criteria for the approval of registered breeding equidae and performance monitoring methods. For the purpose of trade, equidae must be accompanied by a zootechnical certificate of origin and identification.
These rules have not been changed with the entry into force of the "hygiene package".
Zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae
The European Union is harmonising the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae, in order to facilitate the movement of such animals within the Community.
This Directive sets out the zootechnical and genealogical conditions governing intra-Community trade in equidae and their semen, ova and embryos.
Intra-Community trade in equidae may not be prohibited or restricted on zootechnical or genealogical grounds.
The Directive lays down genealogical rules for registered equidae. In particular, the Commission is to determine criteria for the identification of equidae, for the approval of organisations keeping studbooks and for the entry of equidae in studbooks. In intra-Community trade, equidae registered in the country of dispatch must be entered in the studbook of the country of destination under the same name.
Each Member State will be responsible for updating a list of organisations which maintain or establish studbooks and for communicating this list to other Member States and to the public.
The Directive also lays down zootechnical rules. For example, the Commission is to determine the general criteria for the approval of registered breeding equidae and performance monitoring methods. For the purpose of trade, equidae must be accompanied by a zootechnical certificate of origin and identification.
These rules have not been changed with the entry into force of the "hygiene package".