Avsløring av uredelig praksis i salg av visse matvarer: 2. kontrollplan
Kommisjonsrekommandasjon 2014/180/EU av 27. mars 2014 om en andre koordinert kontrollplan for å fastslå utbredelsen av uredelig praksis i markedsføringen av visse matvarer
Commission Recommendation 2014/180/EU of 27 March 2014 on a second coordinated control plan with a view to establishing the prevalence of fraudulent practices in the marketing of certain foods
Kommisjonsrekommandasjon publisert i EU-tidende 29.03.2014
I kjølvannet av hestekjøttskandalen utarbeidet Kommisjonen en kontrollplan for å fastslå utbredelsen av svindel med kjøttvarer. Den 27. mars 2014 publiserte EU-tidende en ny kontrollplan.
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 14.02.2014, engelsk utgave)
Horsemeat: Commission sets out recommendation for launching second round of EU-wide DNA testing plan
A Commission Recommendation on a coordinated control plan to carry out a series of DNA tests in EU Member States was endorsed yesterday by experts meeting at the Standing Committee on the Food Chain. This is the second time the Commission is coordinating such a control plan to find out if horsemeat is still being fraudulently added to products labelled as beef. The first round of testing that was carried out in 2013 revealed that approximately 4, 6 % of products sampled contained undeclared horsemeat. Although there have not been any public health implications in connection with this food fraud, there has been a very clear reaction from consumers following this scandal that controls need to be stepped up. It will be up to each EU Member State to set up their timetable. Testing will be carried out during the spring and the Commission will collect and publish the results of these EU-wide tests by end July 2014.
Horsemeat: Commission sets out recommendation for launching second round of EU-wide DNA testing plan
A Commission Recommendation on a coordinated control plan to carry out a series of DNA tests in EU Member States was endorsed yesterday by experts meeting at the Standing Committee on the Food Chain. This is the second time the Commission is coordinating such a control plan to find out if horsemeat is still being fraudulently added to products labelled as beef. The first round of testing that was carried out in 2013 revealed that approximately 4, 6 % of products sampled contained undeclared horsemeat. Although there have not been any public health implications in connection with this food fraud, there has been a very clear reaction from consumers following this scandal that controls need to be stepped up. It will be up to each EU Member State to set up their timetable. Testing will be carried out during the spring and the Commission will collect and publish the results of these EU-wide tests by end July 2014.