(Forslag) Rådsrekommandasjon (EU) .../... om å forbedre tilbudet av digitale ferdigheter i utdanning og opplæring
Digital utdanning: forbedring av tilbudet av digitale ferdigheter
Rådsbehandling 23.11.2023 (enighet med Europaparlamentet; endelig vedtak) med pressemelding
- Notat om planlagt rådsrekommandasjon lagt fram av Kommisjonen 1.8.2022 med tilbakemeldingsfrist 16.9.2022
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 18.4.2023)
Commission calls for massive boost in enabling digital education and providing digital skills
Improving digital skills teaching
The second common challenge identified relates to the varying levels of digital skills within different segments of the population, and the ability of national education and training systems to address these differences. The proposal for a “Council Recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills in education and training” tackles each level of education and training. It calls on Member States to start early by providing digital skills in a coherent way through all levels of education and training. This can be ensured by establishing incremental objectives and setting up targeted interventions for specific ‘priority or hard-to-reach groups'. The proposal calls on Member States to support high quality informatics in schools, to mainstream the development of digital skills for adults, and to address shortages in information technology professions by adopting inclusive strategies.
The Commission stands ready to support the implementation of both proposals by facilitating mutual learning and exchanges among Member States and all relevant stakeholders through EU instruments, such as the Technical Support Instrument. The Commission also promotes digital education and skills through cooperation within the European Digital Education Hub and through EU funding, such as Erasmus+ and the Digital Europe Programme, the Just Transition Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund Plus and the Recovery and Resilience Facility, Horizon Europe, and NDICI-Global Europe.
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