EU-henstilling om kontroll av visse matvarer som markedsføres gjennom internett
(Utkast) Kommisjonsrekommandasjon om en koordinert kontrollplan for offisiell kontroll av visse matvarer markedsført gjennom Internett
(Draft) Commission Recommendation on a coordinated control plan on the official control of certain foods marketed through the Internet
Utkast til kommisjonsfrekommandasjon godkjent av komite (representanter for medlemslandene) og publisert i EUs komitologiregister 13.6.2017
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsrekommandasjonen, engelsk utgave)
(1) Internet offers and sales of food are on the increase. The Internet and digital technologies pose specific challenges to competent authorities confined to their jurisdictions and operating a system of controls adapted to tangible sites.
(2) The 2015 report of the Commission on a series of fact finding missions regarding the controls on food supplements in Member States revealed that an increasing share of trade in food supplements is taking place via the Internet. This trade is less transparent and more difficult to control.
(3) To address these challenges and to protect consumers in the Union from misleading practices that may result in the consumption of unsafe food, official controls on Internet offers and sales need to be strengthened. Competent authorities need to increase cooperation in order to ensure the proper application and enforcement of relevant EU rules for certain foods marketed via the Internet. This should be fostered through coordinated control plans establishing the prevalence of certain hazards in food linked to Internet offers and sales.
(4) Rapid alerts on food supplements under Article 50 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 have more than doubled since 2010. These alerts include, inter alia food supplements sold via the Internet with misleading statements contrary to the rules on fair information practices laid down in Article 7 of Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 . These practices may lead to the consumption of unsafe food.
(5) To ensure a high level of protection of human health and consumer's interests Regulation (EC) No 258/97 provides that novel foods and novel food ingredients are authorised on the basis of a scientific risk assessment performed by the Member States or the European Food Safety Authority. On the Internet many unauthorised novel foods and novel food ingredients are offered for sale to consumers in the EU.
(6) Therefore, Member States should implement a coordinated control plan for food supplements and novel foods sold via the Internet. They should communicate to the Commission the results of the official controls performed. The Commission would then analyse the full set of results and present this to the Member States for discussion.
(7) The coordinated control plan should be limited in time to allow a time-referenced analysis.
(8) After consulting the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,
(1) Internet offers and sales of food are on the increase. The Internet and digital technologies pose specific challenges to competent authorities confined to their jurisdictions and operating a system of controls adapted to tangible sites.
(2) The 2015 report of the Commission on a series of fact finding missions regarding the controls on food supplements in Member States revealed that an increasing share of trade in food supplements is taking place via the Internet. This trade is less transparent and more difficult to control.
(3) To address these challenges and to protect consumers in the Union from misleading practices that may result in the consumption of unsafe food, official controls on Internet offers and sales need to be strengthened. Competent authorities need to increase cooperation in order to ensure the proper application and enforcement of relevant EU rules for certain foods marketed via the Internet. This should be fostered through coordinated control plans establishing the prevalence of certain hazards in food linked to Internet offers and sales.
(4) Rapid alerts on food supplements under Article 50 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 have more than doubled since 2010. These alerts include, inter alia food supplements sold via the Internet with misleading statements contrary to the rules on fair information practices laid down in Article 7 of Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 . These practices may lead to the consumption of unsafe food.
(5) To ensure a high level of protection of human health and consumer's interests Regulation (EC) No 258/97 provides that novel foods and novel food ingredients are authorised on the basis of a scientific risk assessment performed by the Member States or the European Food Safety Authority. On the Internet many unauthorised novel foods and novel food ingredients are offered for sale to consumers in the EU.
(6) Therefore, Member States should implement a coordinated control plan for food supplements and novel foods sold via the Internet. They should communicate to the Commission the results of the official controls performed. The Commission would then analyse the full set of results and present this to the Member States for discussion.
(7) The coordinated control plan should be limited in time to allow a time-referenced analysis.
(8) After consulting the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,