EU-programmet for sikkert satellittbasert kommunikasjon og dets tjenester: tjenesteporteføljen for statlige satelittkommunikasjonstjenester
Kommisjonens gjennomføringsbeslutning (EU) 2023/1054 av 30. mai 2023 om fastsettelse av regler for anvendelse av europaparlaments- og rådsforordning (EU) 2021/696 med hensyn til tjenesteporteføljen for de statlige satellittkommunikasjonstjenestene som tilbys under Unionens romprogram
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/1054 of 30 May 2023 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2021/696 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the service portfolio for the Governmental Satellite Communications services offered by the system established under the Union Space Programme
Kommisjonsbeslutning publisert i EU-tidende 31.5.2023
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsbeslutningen)
(1) In accordance with Article 62 of Regulation (EU) 2021/696, under the Governmental Satellite Communications (‘GOVSATCOM’) component, satellite communication capacities and services are to be combined into a common Union pool of satellite communication capacities and services, with appropriate security requirements.
(2) In accordance with Article 63(1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/696, the provision of GOVSATCOM capacities and services is to be ensured as laid down in the service portfolio. The service portfolio should be based on the needs of the user communities of governmental satellite communications, by including flexible and user adjustable GOVSATCOM services. It should therefore cover end-to-end services, anchored capacity services and raw capacity services.
(3) The service portfolio should cover existing and expected capacities and services to be included in the common Union pool. Therefore, different options for latency, frequency bands, security levels and other attributes need to be included in the service portfolio.
(4) In order to ensure service provision, there is a need to describe the process for service requests from the GOVSATCOM users to the GOVSATCOM hub. The competent GOVSATCOM authorities should act as intermediaries in this process.
(5) In order to ensure the best match between supply and demand for GOVSATCOM services, there is a need to base the availability of services on the supply and demand of pooled and shared satellite capacities and procured services.
(6) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Programme committee in the GOVSATCOM configuration.
(1) In accordance with Article 62 of Regulation (EU) 2021/696, under the Governmental Satellite Communications (‘GOVSATCOM’) component, satellite communication capacities and services are to be combined into a common Union pool of satellite communication capacities and services, with appropriate security requirements.
(2) In accordance with Article 63(1) of Regulation (EU) 2021/696, the provision of GOVSATCOM capacities and services is to be ensured as laid down in the service portfolio. The service portfolio should be based on the needs of the user communities of governmental satellite communications, by including flexible and user adjustable GOVSATCOM services. It should therefore cover end-to-end services, anchored capacity services and raw capacity services.
(3) The service portfolio should cover existing and expected capacities and services to be included in the common Union pool. Therefore, different options for latency, frequency bands, security levels and other attributes need to be included in the service portfolio.
(4) In order to ensure service provision, there is a need to describe the process for service requests from the GOVSATCOM users to the GOVSATCOM hub. The competent GOVSATCOM authorities should act as intermediaries in this process.
(5) In order to ensure the best match between supply and demand for GOVSATCOM services, there is a need to base the availability of services on the supply and demand of pooled and shared satellite capacities and procured services.
(6) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Programme committee in the GOVSATCOM configuration.