(Forslag) Rådsrekommandation (EU) .../... om en EU-strategi for håndtering av cybersikkerhetskriser
EU-strategi for håndtering av cybersikkerhetskriser
Forslag til rådsrekommandasjon med pressemelding (sak nr. 4) lagt fram av Kommisjonen 24.2.2025
(fra Kommisjonens pressemelding 24.2.2025)
Commission launches new cybersecurity blueprint to enhance EU cyber crisis coordination
Today, the Commission has presented a proposal to ensure an effective and efficient response to large-scale cyber incidents. The proposed blueprint updates the comprehensive EU framework for Cybersecurity Crisis Management and maps the relevant EU actors, outlining their roles throughout the entire crisis lifecycle. This includes preparedness and shared situational awareness to anticipate cyber incidents, and the necessary detection capabilities to identify them, including the response and recovery tools needed to mitigate, deter and contain those incidents.
Henna Virkkunen, Executive Vice-President for Tech Sovereignty, Security and Democracy, said: "In an increasingly interdependent Union economy, disruptions from cybersecurity incidents can have far-reaching impacts across various sectors. The proposed cybersecurity blueprint reflects our commitment to ensuring a coordinated approach, leveraging existing structures to protect the internal market and uphold vital societal functions. This Recommendation is a crucial step forward in reinforcing our collective cyber resilience."
The proposed plan builds on the existing frameworks, such as the Integrated Political Crisis Response and the EU Cyber Diplomacy Toolbox, while aligning with recently adopted initiatives, such as the Critical Infrastructure Blueprint and the network code on cybersecurity for the EU electricity sector. It proposes measures to strengthen collaboration between civilian and military entities, including NATO, while reflecting the objectives of the forthcoming EU preparedness strategy. Furthermore, today's proposal promotes secure communication and strategic efforts to counter disinformation.
This also complements the Joint Communication of the Commission and the HRVP to strengthen the security and resilience of submarine cables, which Executive Vice-President Virkkunen presented in Helsinki on 21 February.
You can find more information online.