Forsvarlig bruk av antimikrobielle midler i veterinærmedisiner
Retningslinjer vedtatt av Kommisjonen 11.9.2015
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens pressemelding, engelsk utgave)
Commission publishes guidelines on the prudent use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine
The Commission published today Guidelines aimed to prevent the overuse and misuse of antibiotics by sharing best-practices in Member States. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) causes 25,000 deaths annually and over €1.5 billion in healthcare expenses and productivity losses in Europe alone. These latest guidelines are one of the key deliverables in the EU action plan on AMR. They provide, at a glance, Member States authorities, farmers and veterinarians with practical examples of what is being done in other EU countries to promote the prudent use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine. Such measures can contribute to the control of AMR also in human medicine. Antimicrobials are essential in combatting infectious diseases and AMR is a serious threat both for human and animal health. Since AMR can be transferred from animals to humans and vice-versa via direct and indirect contact, a "One Health" approach based on collaboration and joined-up thinking of both human and veterinary medicine sectors is essential to tackle this issue at EU and global level. AMR remains a priority for the EU which published in November 2011 a five-year Action Plan designed to address the growing risks posed by AMR. A progress report on the 12 actions outlined in the plan was published earlier this year. AMR develops when microorganisms no longer respond to drugs they were previously sensitive to.