Henstilling om nett- og fjernundervisning i grunnskole og videregående opplæring
(Under forberedelse) Rådsrekommandasjon (EU) .../... om nett- og fjernundervisning i grunnskole og videregående opplæring
(In preparation) Council Recommendation (EU) .../... on online and distance learning in primary and secondary education
Notat om planlagt rekommandasjon lagt fram av Kommisjonen 13.4.2021 med tilbakemeldingsfrist 11.5.2021
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens initiativ av 13.4.2021)
Online and distance learning in primary and secondary education
Drawing on lessons from the COVID-19 crisis, the Commission will propose a Council Recommendation on online and distance learning in primary and secondary education. This will help to create a shared vision and understanding at EU level of what school education systems need to develop in order for a blend of different learning approaches to be effective, inclusive and engaging.
Feedback period: 13 April 2021 - 11 May 2021 (midnight Brussels time)
Roadmap - Ares(2021)2385521
Online and distance learning in primary and secondary education
Drawing on lessons from the COVID-19 crisis, the Commission will propose a Council Recommendation on online and distance learning in primary and secondary education. This will help to create a shared vision and understanding at EU level of what school education systems need to develop in order for a blend of different learning approaches to be effective, inclusive and engaging.
Feedback period: 13 April 2021 - 11 May 2021 (midnight Brussels time)
Roadmap - Ares(2021)2385521