Innførsel av sæd, egg og embryoer fra fåre- og geitearter: endringsbestemmelser i forbindelse med brexit
Kommisjonens gjennomføringsbeslutning (EU) 2019/1767 av 23. oktober 2019 om endring av vedlegg I og III til beslutning 2010/472/EU med hensyn til med hensyn til oppføringen av Det forente kongeriket Storbritannia og Nord-Irland og visse av dets kronbesittelser i listen over tredjeland eller deler disse som er godkjent med hensyn til innførsel av sæd, egg og embryoer fra fåre- og geitearter til Unionen
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1767 of 23 October 2019 amending Annexes I and III to Decision 2010/472/EU as regards the inclusion of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the lists of third countries or parts thereof authorised for the introduction into the Union of semen, ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species
Kommisjonsbeslutning publisert i EU-tidende 24.10.2019
Red. anm.: Anvendes i EØS-avtalen ved forenklet prosedyre uten vedtak i EØS-komiteen.
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsbeslutningen, engelsk utgave)
(1) On 29 March 2017, the United Kingdom submitted the notification of its intention to withdraw from the Union pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). On 11 April 2019, the European Council adopted Decision (EU) 2019/584 extending the period under Article 50(3) TEU in agreement with the United Kingdom. In accordance with that Decision, the period provided for in Article 50(3) TEU has been further extended until 31 October 2019. Union law will therefore cease to apply to and in the United Kingdom from 1 November 2019 (“the withdrawal date”).
(2) Commission Decision 2010/472/EU sets out in its Annex I a list of third countries or parts thereof from which Member States are to authorise imports of consignments of semen of animals of the ovine and caprine species and in its Annex III a list of third countries or parts thereof from which Member States are to authorise imports of consignments of ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species.
(3) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has provided the necessary guarantees for that country to comply with the conditions laid down in Decision 2010/472/EU for the introduction into the Union of consignments of semen, ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species from the withdrawal date by continuing to comply with Union legislation for an initial period of at least nine months.
(4) Therefore, taking into account these specific guarantees provided by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and in order to avoid any unnecessary disruption to trade after the withdrawal date, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should be included in the lists of third countries or parts thereof set out in Annexes I and III to Decision 2010/472/EU authorised for the introduction into the Union of consignments of semen, ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species.
(5) Annexes I and III to Decision 2010/472/EU should therefore be amended accordingly.
(6) This Decision should apply from 1 November 2019, unless Union law continues to apply to and in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on that date.
(7) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsbeslutningen, engelsk utgave)
(1) On 29 March 2017, the United Kingdom submitted the notification of its intention to withdraw from the Union pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). On 11 April 2019, the European Council adopted Decision (EU) 2019/584 extending the period under Article 50(3) TEU in agreement with the United Kingdom. In accordance with that Decision, the period provided for in Article 50(3) TEU has been further extended until 31 October 2019. Union law will therefore cease to apply to and in the United Kingdom from 1 November 2019 (“the withdrawal date”).
(2) Commission Decision 2010/472/EU sets out in its Annex I a list of third countries or parts thereof from which Member States are to authorise imports of consignments of semen of animals of the ovine and caprine species and in its Annex III a list of third countries or parts thereof from which Member States are to authorise imports of consignments of ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species.
(3) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has provided the necessary guarantees for that country to comply with the conditions laid down in Decision 2010/472/EU for the introduction into the Union of consignments of semen, ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species from the withdrawal date by continuing to comply with Union legislation for an initial period of at least nine months.
(4) Therefore, taking into account these specific guarantees provided by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and in order to avoid any unnecessary disruption to trade after the withdrawal date, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should be included in the lists of third countries or parts thereof set out in Annexes I and III to Decision 2010/472/EU authorised for the introduction into the Union of consignments of semen, ova and embryos of animals of the ovine and caprine species.
(5) Annexes I and III to Decision 2010/472/EU should therefore be amended accordingly.
(6) This Decision should apply from 1 November 2019, unless Union law continues to apply to and in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on that date.
(7) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed