Maksimalpriser for terminering i mobil- og fasttelefonnettet
(Under forberedelse) Delegert kommisjonsforordning om maksimalpriser for terminering i mobil- og fasttelefonnettet
(In preparation) Commission Delegated Regulation on maximum voice call termination rates for fixed and mobile calls
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 26.7.2019
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside, publisert 26.7.2019)
The European Commission is launching a public consultation to gather the views of stakeholders on the scope and application of the future EU harmonised rules on voice call termination services.
In line with the European Electronic Communications Code, adopted in December 2018 by the European Parliament and the Council, the European Commission will adopt by 31 December 2020, a Delegated Act in the field of voice call termination rates. Current divergences between the maximum voice call termination rates in Member States hinder cross-border competition and service provision. This regulation is intended to overcome these divergences, by defining European-wide maximum termination rates for fixed and mobile calls.
Termination rates are the rates which operators charge each other for the termination of voice calls on their networks.
A European-wide maximum termination rate (one for fixed and one for mobile termination services) would reduce fragmentation in telecoms markets, thus ensuring a more competitive, cross-border environment, which will ultimately benefit European consumers in the form of lower prices and more varied offers for fixed and mobile calls.
This consultation aims to identify the scope and application of the future Delegated Act, including the types of services that should fall under the definition of voice call termination services. All strata of European society, including citizens, representatives of the industry, academics and public sector institutions, are encouraged to respond to the consultation. The public consultation will also be available to stakeholders outside the EU.
The questionnaire is available in all official EU languages. The consultation will close on 8 November.
The European Commission is launching a public consultation to gather the views of stakeholders on the scope and application of the future EU harmonised rules on voice call termination services.
In line with the European Electronic Communications Code, adopted in December 2018 by the European Parliament and the Council, the European Commission will adopt by 31 December 2020, a Delegated Act in the field of voice call termination rates. Current divergences between the maximum voice call termination rates in Member States hinder cross-border competition and service provision. This regulation is intended to overcome these divergences, by defining European-wide maximum termination rates for fixed and mobile calls.
Termination rates are the rates which operators charge each other for the termination of voice calls on their networks.
A European-wide maximum termination rate (one for fixed and one for mobile termination services) would reduce fragmentation in telecoms markets, thus ensuring a more competitive, cross-border environment, which will ultimately benefit European consumers in the form of lower prices and more varied offers for fixed and mobile calls.
This consultation aims to identify the scope and application of the future Delegated Act, including the types of services that should fall under the definition of voice call termination services. All strata of European society, including citizens, representatives of the industry, academics and public sector institutions, are encouraged to respond to the consultation. The public consultation will also be available to stakeholders outside the EU.
The questionnaire is available in all official EU languages. The consultation will close on 8 November.