Rammeverk for næringslivsstatistikk
(Under forberedelse) Rammeforordning om integrert næringslivsstatistikk
(In preparation) Framework regulation integrating business statistics (FRIBS)
Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 17.8.2015
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside, engelsk utgave)
In line with the objectives and provisions of the European Statistical Programme (ESP) 2013-2017 and of the Communication from the Commission "on the production method of EU statistics: a vision for the next decade", the so-called Vision Paper - Eurostat is currently developing a cross-cutting legal framework for the systematic collection, compilation, transmission and dissemination of statistics related to the structure, economic activity, competitiveness, global transactions and performance of the European business sector.
The main policy objectives for this new framework are:
1) to streamline and rationalize the reference framework for European business statistics, reducing unnecessary statistical burden on respondents, and
2) to define a new architecture for European business statistics instrumental to the compilation of quality and purpose-relevant European business statistics, including the provision of higher quality statistics on services, globalisation and entrepreneurship.
In this context, a project for establishing a Framework Regulation Integrating Business Statistics (FRIBS) is currently under discussion.
As a preparatory step, a study is being executed to analyse the effects that the changes are expected to have. Indeed, it needs to be ensured that the changes that are considered are in line with users' needs and to a maximum extent will help to resolve problems currently encountered by users of business statistics, all the while improving the regulatory environment for data suppliers.
A consultation of data users, data suppliers and data compilers on FRIBS in general has been conducted during 2014. As a follow up and in close co-operation with the national statistical institutes, the Commission has decided on investigating further improvements of FRIBS for reducing costs and burden and on analysing in more detail the impact on stakeholders of the new data requirements contained in FRIBS. In the view of these changes, the Commission has updated the FRIBS Roadmap and scheduled a supplementary consultation in the second half of 2015.
The objective of this supplementary and web-based open consultation is to collect the views of data users and data suppliers (i.e. businesses) with a specific focus on additional and reduced data requirements in FRIBS.
In line with the objectives and provisions of the European Statistical Programme (ESP) 2013-2017 and of the Communication from the Commission "on the production method of EU statistics: a vision for the next decade", the so-called Vision Paper - Eurostat is currently developing a cross-cutting legal framework for the systematic collection, compilation, transmission and dissemination of statistics related to the structure, economic activity, competitiveness, global transactions and performance of the European business sector.
The main policy objectives for this new framework are:
1) to streamline and rationalize the reference framework for European business statistics, reducing unnecessary statistical burden on respondents, and
2) to define a new architecture for European business statistics instrumental to the compilation of quality and purpose-relevant European business statistics, including the provision of higher quality statistics on services, globalisation and entrepreneurship.
In this context, a project for establishing a Framework Regulation Integrating Business Statistics (FRIBS) is currently under discussion.
As a preparatory step, a study is being executed to analyse the effects that the changes are expected to have. Indeed, it needs to be ensured that the changes that are considered are in line with users' needs and to a maximum extent will help to resolve problems currently encountered by users of business statistics, all the while improving the regulatory environment for data suppliers.
A consultation of data users, data suppliers and data compilers on FRIBS in general has been conducted during 2014. As a follow up and in close co-operation with the national statistical institutes, the Commission has decided on investigating further improvements of FRIBS for reducing costs and burden and on analysing in more detail the impact on stakeholders of the new data requirements contained in FRIBS. In the view of these changes, the Commission has updated the FRIBS Roadmap and scheduled a supplementary consultation in the second half of 2015.
The objective of this supplementary and web-based open consultation is to collect the views of data users and data suppliers (i.e. businesses) with a specific focus on additional and reduced data requirements in FRIBS.