Rådsdirektiv 89/361/EØF av 30. mai 1989 om renrasede avlsdyr av sau og geit
Renrasede avlsdyr av sau og geit
Council Directive 89/361/EEC of 30 May 1989 concerning pure-bred breeding sheep and goats
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens faktaark, engelsk utgave)
Purebred breeding animals: sheep and goats
The European Union harmonises criteria for breeding sheep and goats so as to facilitate intra-Community trade in these animals.
The Directive lays down common rules concerning zootechnical problems which may arise in intra-Community trade in pure-bred breeding sheep and goats and the semen, ova and embryos thereof.
It defines the following terms:
+nul'pure-bred breeding sheep and goats': any sheep or goat the parents and grandparents of which are entered or registered in a flock book of the same breed and which is itself entered or registered and eligible for entry therein;
+nul'flock book': any book, register, file or data medium which is maintained by an officially approved breeders' organisation or association or by an official agency of the Member State in question, and in which pure-bred breeding sheep or goats of a given breed are entered or registered with mention of their ancestors.
Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede on zootechnical grounds either intra-Community trade in purebred breeding sheep and goats and their semen, ova and embryos or the official approval of breeders' organisations which maintain or establish flockbooks.
The Commission has determined:
• the criteria for recognition of breeders' organisations and associations which maintain or establish flockbooks;
• the criteria for entry or registration in flockbooks;
• the methods for monitoring performance and assessing the genetic value of purebred breeding sheep and goats;
• the criteria for the approval of a breeding animal for the purpose of the use of its semen, ova, and embryos.
Purebred breeding animals: sheep and goats
The European Union harmonises criteria for breeding sheep and goats so as to facilitate intra-Community trade in these animals.
The Directive lays down common rules concerning zootechnical problems which may arise in intra-Community trade in pure-bred breeding sheep and goats and the semen, ova and embryos thereof.
It defines the following terms:
+nul'pure-bred breeding sheep and goats': any sheep or goat the parents and grandparents of which are entered or registered in a flock book of the same breed and which is itself entered or registered and eligible for entry therein;
+nul'flock book': any book, register, file or data medium which is maintained by an officially approved breeders' organisation or association or by an official agency of the Member State in question, and in which pure-bred breeding sheep or goats of a given breed are entered or registered with mention of their ancestors.
Member States may not prohibit, restrict or impede on zootechnical grounds either intra-Community trade in purebred breeding sheep and goats and their semen, ova and embryos or the official approval of breeders' organisations which maintain or establish flockbooks.
The Commission has determined:
• the criteria for recognition of breeders' organisations and associations which maintain or establish flockbooks;
• the criteria for entry or registration in flockbooks;
• the methods for monitoring performance and assessing the genetic value of purebred breeding sheep and goats;
• the criteria for the approval of a breeding animal for the purpose of the use of its semen, ova, and embryos.