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Framework on state aid to shipbuilding
Retningslinjer forlenget av EFTAs overvåkingsorgan 29.01.2014
BAKGRUNN (EFTA overvåkingsorgans pressemelding 1.2.2012)
State Aid: New Guidelines on Aid to for Shipbuilding
The EFTA Surveillance Authority has today adopted new guidelines for the assessment of state aid to shipbuilding.
The new rules amend the current guidelines, which expired on 31 December 2011. The scope of the guidelines is extended to inland waterway vessels, as well as floating and moving offshore structures. The new guidelines also refine the rules on innovation aid.
State aid to shipbuilding has historically been subject to a series of specific regimes. The regimes have contained a mixture of both stricter and more lenient provisions, compared to industrial sectors without specific rules.
In line with its policy to ensure enhanced transparency and simplification of state aid rules, the Authority aims to eliminate these differences by extending general horizontal provisions to the shipbuilding sector.
The Guidelines on state aid for shipbuilding are applicable as of today and will expire on 31 of December 2013.
The State Aid Guidelines can be consulted on the Authority's website.
State Aid: New Guidelines on Aid to for Shipbuilding
The EFTA Surveillance Authority has today adopted new guidelines for the assessment of state aid to shipbuilding.
The new rules amend the current guidelines, which expired on 31 December 2011. The scope of the guidelines is extended to inland waterway vessels, as well as floating and moving offshore structures. The new guidelines also refine the rules on innovation aid.
State aid to shipbuilding has historically been subject to a series of specific regimes. The regimes have contained a mixture of both stricter and more lenient provisions, compared to industrial sectors without specific rules.
In line with its policy to ensure enhanced transparency and simplification of state aid rules, the Authority aims to eliminate these differences by extending general horizontal provisions to the shipbuilding sector.
The Guidelines on state aid for shipbuilding are applicable as of today and will expire on 31 of December 2013.
The State Aid Guidelines can be consulted on the Authority's website.