Veterinærkontroll ved innførsel av dyr fra tredjeland
Rådsdirektiv 91/496/EØF av 15. juli 1991 om fastsettelse av prinsippene for organisering av veterinærkontrollene av dyr som innføres til Fellesskapet fra tredjestater, og om endring av direktiv 89/662/EØF, 90/425/EØF og 90/675/EØF
Council Directive 91/496/EEC of 15 July 1991 laying down the principles governing the organization of veterinary checks on animals entering the Community from third countries and amending Directives 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC and 90/675/EEC
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens faktaark, engelsk utgave)
Veterinary checks on animals from third countries
The European Union lays down procedures for veterinary checks on animals entering the Community from third countries. These take the form of reinforced checks to be carried out by the competent authorities.
The Directive lays down the common principles for the organisation of external border controls and for the arrangements governing the internal movement of live animals from third countries.
Organisation and follow-up of checks: a documentary check by the competent authorities must be carried out for each consignment of animals from third countries. The animals are then subjected to an identity check and a physical check at an inspection post situated in the immediate vicinity of the point of entry to Community territory or, where necessary, in a quarantine station.
The Directive lays down the rules for checks to be respected by the consignees and the procedures to be followed for placing live animals in quarantine, as well as the conditions to be met by the inspection post.
When the veterinary import conditions are respected and there is no danger to public or animal health, the official veterinarian responsible for the inspection post shall issue a certificate.
Conditions to be fulfilled by the border inspection posts: the Member States shall submit a list of the border inspection posts responsible for carrying out the checks to the Commission, together with the necessary information such as the type of inspection post and the animals likely to be checked. This list shall be updated regularly.
The Commission shall introduce a computerised data-processing system with a databank which provides a link between the border inspection services and the veterinary authorities of the Commission. This system, which is called SHIFT, covers the importation of animals from third countries and is linked to the system for the exchange of information between veterinary authorities provided for in Directive 90/425/EEC. The Shift project was replaced by the TRACES system in 2003.
The Directive sets the conditions for the transportation of animals from a third country to another third country.
If these animals do not meet the conditions laid down in Community legislation, the competent authority can decide to place them in quarantine, or arrange for their re-exportation or slaughter.
The Commission shall adopt the rules which apply to imports of animals for slaughter intended for local consumption and the rules applicable to animals for breeding and production in certain parts of the territories in order to take account of the natural constraints particular to those territories and of their remoteness from the mainland part of the Community territory.
Safeguard measures: if warranted by any serious threat to animal or public health, the Commission may, as a precautionary measure, prohibit the direct or indirect importation of animals from a third country (or from part of its territory), or subject it to special conditions.
Veterinary experts from the Commission, in conjunction with the competent authorities, shall verify that the inspection posts and quarantine stations satisfy the approval requirements. In the event of non-compliance with the Directives, the competent authority of the Member State of destination shall inform the Commission and the other Member States.
Each Member State shall draw up a programme for the exchange of officials empowered to carry out the checks on animals coming from third countries.
The Commission shall be assisted in its task by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health.
The Directive amends the following legislative acts:
• Directive 89/662/EEC concerning veterinary checks in intra-Community trade;
• Directive 90/425/EEC concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks in intra-Community trade;
• Directive 90/675/EEC laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on products entering the Community from third countries.
Veterinary checks on animals from third countries
The European Union lays down procedures for veterinary checks on animals entering the Community from third countries. These take the form of reinforced checks to be carried out by the competent authorities.
The Directive lays down the common principles for the organisation of external border controls and for the arrangements governing the internal movement of live animals from third countries.
Organisation and follow-up of checks: a documentary check by the competent authorities must be carried out for each consignment of animals from third countries. The animals are then subjected to an identity check and a physical check at an inspection post situated in the immediate vicinity of the point of entry to Community territory or, where necessary, in a quarantine station.
The Directive lays down the rules for checks to be respected by the consignees and the procedures to be followed for placing live animals in quarantine, as well as the conditions to be met by the inspection post.
When the veterinary import conditions are respected and there is no danger to public or animal health, the official veterinarian responsible for the inspection post shall issue a certificate.
Conditions to be fulfilled by the border inspection posts: the Member States shall submit a list of the border inspection posts responsible for carrying out the checks to the Commission, together with the necessary information such as the type of inspection post and the animals likely to be checked. This list shall be updated regularly.
The Commission shall introduce a computerised data-processing system with a databank which provides a link between the border inspection services and the veterinary authorities of the Commission. This system, which is called SHIFT, covers the importation of animals from third countries and is linked to the system for the exchange of information between veterinary authorities provided for in Directive 90/425/EEC. The Shift project was replaced by the TRACES system in 2003.
The Directive sets the conditions for the transportation of animals from a third country to another third country.
If these animals do not meet the conditions laid down in Community legislation, the competent authority can decide to place them in quarantine, or arrange for their re-exportation or slaughter.
The Commission shall adopt the rules which apply to imports of animals for slaughter intended for local consumption and the rules applicable to animals for breeding and production in certain parts of the territories in order to take account of the natural constraints particular to those territories and of their remoteness from the mainland part of the Community territory.
Safeguard measures: if warranted by any serious threat to animal or public health, the Commission may, as a precautionary measure, prohibit the direct or indirect importation of animals from a third country (or from part of its territory), or subject it to special conditions.
Veterinary experts from the Commission, in conjunction with the competent authorities, shall verify that the inspection posts and quarantine stations satisfy the approval requirements. In the event of non-compliance with the Directives, the competent authority of the Member State of destination shall inform the Commission and the other Member States.
Each Member State shall draw up a programme for the exchange of officials empowered to carry out the checks on animals coming from third countries.
The Commission shall be assisted in its task by the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health.
The Directive amends the following legislative acts:
• Directive 89/662/EEC concerning veterinary checks in intra-Community trade;
• Directive 90/425/EEC concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks in intra-Community trade;
• Directive 90/675/EEC laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on products entering the Community from third countries.