Vilkår for avl og avstamning ved markedsføring av renrasede dyr
Rådsdirektiv 91/174/EØF av 25. mars 1991om fastsettelse av vilkår med hensyn til avl og avstamning ved markedsføring av renrasede dyr og om endring av direktiv 77/504/EØF og 90/452/EØF
Council Directive 91/174/EEC of 25 March 1991 laying down zootechnical and pedigree requirements for the marketing of pure-bred animals and amending Directives 77/504/EEC and 90/425/EEC
BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens faktaark, engelsk utgave)
Marketing of pure-bred animals
To lay down harmonised rules for the marketing of purebred animals for which the zootechnical rules have not yet been the subject of Community legislation.
The Directive applies to the marketing of purebred animals and their semen, ova and embryos, other than those of bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine species.
Definition of "purebred animal".
Member States must ensure that intra-Community trade in purebred animals and their semen, ova or embryos may not be prohibited, restricted or impeded on zootechnical or pedigree grounds.
They must also ensure that the following are adopted in a non-discriminatory manner:
• the criteria for entry or registration in pedigree records or registers;
• the criteria for approval for reproduction of purebred animals and the use of their semen, ova and embryos;
• the certificate to be required for their marketing.
Pending the adoption of Community rules, the requirements applying to imports of purebred animals and their semen, ova and embryos from non-EC countries may not be more favourable than those applied to intra-Community trade.
Marketing of pure-bred animals
To lay down harmonised rules for the marketing of purebred animals for which the zootechnical rules have not yet been the subject of Community legislation.
The Directive applies to the marketing of purebred animals and their semen, ova and embryos, other than those of bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine species.
Definition of "purebred animal".
Member States must ensure that intra-Community trade in purebred animals and their semen, ova or embryos may not be prohibited, restricted or impeded on zootechnical or pedigree grounds.
They must also ensure that the following are adopted in a non-discriminatory manner:
• the criteria for entry or registration in pedigree records or registers;
• the criteria for approval for reproduction of purebred animals and the use of their semen, ova and embryos;
• the certificate to be required for their marketing.
Pending the adoption of Community rules, the requirements applying to imports of purebred animals and their semen, ova and embryos from non-EC countries may not be more favourable than those applied to intra-Community trade.