Ytelser av varmeproduserende enheter og isolering av varmeførende rør i bygninger som ikke benyttes til industriformål (endring)
Rådsdirektiv 82/885/EØF av 10. desember 1982 om endring av direktiv 78/170/EØF om ytelse i varmeproduserende enheter som benyttes til romoppvarming og produksjon av varmtvann i nye eller allerede eksisterende bygninger som ikke benyttes til industriformål, og om isolering av røropplegg for varme og varmtvann til husholdningsbruk i nybygg som ikke benyttes til industriformål
Council Directive 82/885/EEC of 10 December 1982 amending Directive 78/170/EEC on the performance of heat generators for space heating and the production of hot water in new or existing non-industrial buildings and on the insulation of heat and domestic hot-water distribution in new non-industrial buildings
BAKGRUNN (fra direktivet, dansk utgave)
Whereas Directive 78/170/EEC requires Member States to take all necessary measures to ensure that all new heat generators for space heating and/or the production of domestic hot water in new or existing non-industrial buildings comply with minimum performance requirements;
Whereas the said Directive provides that compliance with these minimum performance requirements should be assured by an inspection carried out either at the stage of manufacture of the generator or at the time of installation;
Whereas it further provides that, in the case of heat generators subject to inspection at the time of installation, energy losses must not exceed the levels laid down by the Member States;
Whereas it nevertheless provides that those appliances for which type-testing is not practicable will be the subject of a subsequent proposal after appropriate technical studies have been carried out;
Whereas, these studies having been duly completed, appropriate measures should be adopted in respect of the said heat generators;
Whereas these studies show the need to provide for the possibility of an interval between the time of installation of a generator for which type-testing is not practicable and the time at which an on-site inspection is carried out;
Whereas, moreover, these studies have led to the drafting of a code of practice indicating the procedures to be followed for the on-site performance testing of a liquid or gaseous fuel fired heat generator subject to inspection in connection with its installation;
Whereas it is consequently necessary for inspections of the generators in question to be carried out in compliance with the said code, which constitutes a minimum common basis throughout the Community; whereas the provisions of the code do not apply to solid-fuel heat generators;
Whereas it is appropriate that, in order to permit ready verification of compliance with the rules relating to an inspection carried out in connection with installation, provision be made for a data plate similar to that laid down for heat generators inspected at the stage of manufacture; whereas this plate may be replaced by the inspection report; whereas, in the event of non-compliance with the performance requirements or levels of energy loss, the inspection report will be sent to the competent administrative authority;
Whereas the measures adopted to implement this Directive should incorporate the measures adopted for the approximation of the laws of the Member States in the fields concerned by this Directive and should be directed towards facilitating the work on harmonization or standardization in progress or to be undertaken in these fields at Community level or internationally;
Whereas Directive 78/170/EEC should therefore be amended.
Whereas Directive 78/170/EEC requires Member States to take all necessary measures to ensure that all new heat generators for space heating and/or the production of domestic hot water in new or existing non-industrial buildings comply with minimum performance requirements;
Whereas the said Directive provides that compliance with these minimum performance requirements should be assured by an inspection carried out either at the stage of manufacture of the generator or at the time of installation;
Whereas it further provides that, in the case of heat generators subject to inspection at the time of installation, energy losses must not exceed the levels laid down by the Member States;
Whereas it nevertheless provides that those appliances for which type-testing is not practicable will be the subject of a subsequent proposal after appropriate technical studies have been carried out;
Whereas, these studies having been duly completed, appropriate measures should be adopted in respect of the said heat generators;
Whereas these studies show the need to provide for the possibility of an interval between the time of installation of a generator for which type-testing is not practicable and the time at which an on-site inspection is carried out;
Whereas, moreover, these studies have led to the drafting of a code of practice indicating the procedures to be followed for the on-site performance testing of a liquid or gaseous fuel fired heat generator subject to inspection in connection with its installation;
Whereas it is consequently necessary for inspections of the generators in question to be carried out in compliance with the said code, which constitutes a minimum common basis throughout the Community; whereas the provisions of the code do not apply to solid-fuel heat generators;
Whereas it is appropriate that, in order to permit ready verification of compliance with the rules relating to an inspection carried out in connection with installation, provision be made for a data plate similar to that laid down for heat generators inspected at the stage of manufacture; whereas this plate may be replaced by the inspection report; whereas, in the event of non-compliance with the performance requirements or levels of energy loss, the inspection report will be sent to the competent administrative authority;
Whereas the measures adopted to implement this Directive should incorporate the measures adopted for the approximation of the laws of the Member States in the fields concerned by this Directive and should be directed towards facilitating the work on harmonization or standardization in progress or to be undertaken in these fields at Community level or internationally;
Whereas Directive 78/170/EEC should therefore be amended.