EU-høring om energisektoren med fokus på gassmarkedet

EU-høring om energisektoren med fokus på gassmarkedet

Public Consultation on The Bridge beyond 2025

Omtale publisert i Stortingets EU/EØS-nytt 28.8.2019


BAKGRUNN (fra ACERs høringsnettside)

The objective of this consultation is to gather stakeholders' views and further information regarding the trends in the European energy sector – and particularly in the gas sector - beyond 2025. The input from the consultation will be used by the Agency to prepare recommendations to the European Institutions on possible future legislation.

This consultation is addressed to all energy sector stakeholders, and in particular to consumer representative associations, Member States (MSs), environmental groups, gas and electricity network operators and current and prospective market participants.

The Consultation

Replies to this consultation should be sent by (extended to) 9 September 12:00 hrs (noon) CET

To access the Public Consultation material please follow this link:

Public Consultation on Th​e Bridge beyond 2025​​